Wei FDs vs Current trio



They fight at Shukai plains. Wei are FD arc versions. Qin trio are current versions.

Wei side: Rei Ou (30k) as commander in chief, Earl Shi (30k) and Gaimou (30k)
Qin side: Mouten (30k) as commander in chief, Ouhon (30k) and Shin (30k)

Everyone has all their subs. Who wins?

@Lee Ba Shou @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @Ninjashadow0209 @God Buggy @Yo Tan Wa @MarineHQ @kom5 @RealD @TheKnightOfTheSea @Bepo @Extravlad @Monet @Pirao @Cichy @Nidai_Kitetsu @FutureWarrior123 @Peroroncino @Luffy is the mc @SakazOuki @Bullet @Dark Admiral @Daniel


I think mouten outsmarts rei ou and ouhon beats earl shi which leaves stalemated shin against gaimou who eventually gets overwhelmed by mouten and ouhon coming to help and flees.
I don't see why the Qin trio couldn't win this one. We've already seen Ouhon vs Shi play out, yes he was nerfed but nevertheless. Mouten is intelligent enough to deal with Rei Ou and Aisen should be able to deal with Ranbihaku. Lastly, it's already heavily implied that Shin will defeat Gaimou during their next encounter, not to mention all the other subordinates the Qin trio have acces to like Kyoukai, Rikusen, Akakin etc.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
If it’s the Chiyou version Fire Dragons, then I think the Qin trio win.

Ouhon already defeated Earl Shi, so there you go

Shin vs Gaimou is a tough one but I think Shin has done enough for us to say he can beat Gaimou potentially. Shin fought Gyou’Un equally, killed Houken, beat Gakuhaku Kou, and that was a weaker Shin then the current Shin. I’d put Gaimou in a similar tier as these top Zhao generals in terms of his martial ability.

Reiou vs Mouten is probably the hardest matchup to qualify but I think Mouten is probably very close to Reiou strategically.

Especially if Qin has their subs, I think they have this fight.
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Honestly I think it's more beneficial for new gen to have HSU face against Reiou and Gaku Ka against Gaimou.

It's still unclear whether or not current Mouten can outsmart Reiou and current Shin can defeat Gaimou in a duel. However, Mouten can always troll Gaimou with hit and run warfare the same way he did against Kisui and Batei. And Shin's instinctual warfare might be a good counter to Reiou's strategies plus Ranbihaku will be an easier target to kill then Gaimou.
I don’t think Mouten can outsmart Reiou, and I’m not sure if Shin is stronger than Gaimou at this point. I think it depends on the matchup.

Shin I could definitely see beating Reiou and Mouten against Gaimou, like the above mentioned. Ouhon is a no brainer against Earl.


How would the battle unfold if the standard matchups for Shin and Ouhon were reversed (as a case scenario)?

Ouhon vs Gaimou & Shin vs Earl Shi

Ouhon vs Earl Shi was a really thought out battle when it happened as it was one of the very few battles were a combatant mounted on a horse would focus on application of precision and accuracy through the spear, hones through years and years of constant repetitive practice
How would the battle unfold if the standard matchups for Shin and Ouhon were reversed (as a case scenario)?

Ouhon vs Gaimou & Shin vs Earl Shi
Probably won't make much of a difference. Ouhon has slained Gyou'un, someone who Shin compared directly to Gaimou and I'm sure Shin could find some way to take care of Shi, Shin is very well versed in combat given he's defeated a variety of powerful fighters, or at the very least he should be able to stall him until Ouhon and Mouten secure their victory.
I think at this point the Q3 are remarkaly powerful battlefield generals that could flat out beat many of the stronger GGs already.

Not only that, the Q3 match well stylistically with the Fire Dragons: Ou Hon is close to equal to Earl Shi as warrior and general, but already posses a superior mind.

Mou Ten is a prodigious talent of strategy and tactics with an intellect close to that of Rei Ou, and creativity, daring, leadership and weight exceedings his.

Shin doesn't have any particular advantages over Gai Mou other than fighting ability. At the end of the day, push comes to shove, Shin can kill anybody. The same almost applies to Kyou Kai. Ka Ryo Ten will have certainly widened the gap between herself and Jun Sou.

They are certainly well matched as battlefield generals, though I absolutely believe extended campaigns could go very different and that the sizes of the battles still matter.