What about a Debate Section?

•How about a debate section, where users can debate not only certain topics about One Piece but also debate certain topics about other manga, game topics, movies, even futball and politics.

•it could work like this: 5 users (pros) debating with 5 users (against) and 1 judge administering the debate.

•Okay, I'm giving the idea for free to you modders!!!
@AL sama @Warchief Sanji D Goat I actually thought about organizing a debate, but decided against it.

The reason is that lately, this forum is full of trolls, alt accounts, spammers, and people on this forum are not interested in seriously debating about some subjects.

In the One Piece section it is practically impossible to debate, with the amount of trolls.

In the General threads section, users are always spamming stupid threads.

In short, WG is not a place for debate.
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