Speculations What is the One Piece - Massive Thread

So this theory is basically what is the One Piece and I think the biggest hints we’ve ever gotten is the introduction to the story, the One Piece is Wealth Fame and Power.

Now, the question is what does this mean? Well, I believe it is a very literal sense, the Treasure is something that bestows Wealth beyond imagine, Fame beyond anyone else in the world, and Power to bend the world itself to your whims.

In the same vein, a major theme in One Piece is that to great pirates, a real treasure goes beyond monetary value (for example Luffys Hat and Whitebeards Family) as such the monetary wealth, power, and fame can’t be all the one piece has to offer. So, the next major hint we have to the One Pieces existence is the likelihood that it’s likely related to whatever Joyboys dream is and finally the last hint is that, this treasure made Roger laugh.

As such, putting this together I believe that the One Piece is a small Magnet made up of precious metals.


Now, how does a Small Magnet fit everything I mentioned, and beyond that, why call it the “One Piece?”

1. Wealth Fame and Power

Obviously Wealth is clear, as precious metals can be worth fortunes and Fame is very obvious as merely finding it gives one the esteemed title as King of the Seas, however, the Power may be the more curious aspect. As we’re told, one of the greatest powers in the world was Whitebeards power to destroy the world; however, I believe this magnet would give the user a power beyond destroying a world, creating a new one.

2. Joyboys Dream

And Creating a new one is what I believe was a part of Joyboys dream. The ancient world may have been a series of continents; however, those continents were still separated by massive ocean and due to the Seakings, traversing between the continents was difficult. In a way, everyone was trapped in their own continent. This is why I believe Joyboy dream was to create a world where people were no longer trapped by the sea, Pangaea, a continent made up of all continents that resides in the clouds.

As such for this dream to come to fruition, Joyboy would need a way to bring the continents together and keep them that way. And I believe he planned to do that through magnetism and the ancient weapons (I’ll explain more on how he used the One Piece in the Void Century later in this theory)

3. Why Roger Laughed

Now why would Roger laugh at this? The worlds flooding, ancient weapons, plague the earth, and their exists an ancient war that never ended, so why laugh? Because, the truth is the world was permanently changed because of one man’s fantastical dream. Roger laughing at a fantastical dream out of admiration would fit OPs theme where laughing at dreams is a major theme with people laughing at Roger’s dream too.

4. Why called the One Piece

As I mentioned before, the One Piece may be a magnet; however, why call it the One Piece? Because it is just one piece, it’s only a piece of the bigger picture that is the Pangaea dream of Joyboy. The other pieces? The ancient weapons.

Big mom asked if part of the one piece was in Wano, and I feel Oda did that as a hint that the ancient weapons are part of the puzzle here. And thinking about it I think I see what they’re for. Pluton as the battleship that destroys islands, Uranus a weapon that destroyed lulusia, and Poseidon the power that controls sea kings all play a part.

5. The ancient weapons

Starting with Pluton I think Oda specifically toyed with the man as Pluto is the god of the dead, Pluton is a name that is more attributed to a god of wealth. Which made me think, what if the pluton wasn’t created as a battleship at all but rather a mining ship used to mine the raw materials needed from the nearby reverse mountain which is full of magnetic material.

However, due to how advanced it was, in modern day it could easily be mistaken for an advanced battleship. And the power to destroy earth will be needed again as its piece of the puzzle is to blow massive holes in the red line so that all islands of the world can gravitate towards the one piece.

Next up is Uranus, as I said before the dream imo is to create a continent in the sky (like Upper Yard) and just like Upper Yard, there needs to be a way to get this continent into the White White Sea. I believe, Uranus’ true power is to create a massive tide of water that creates continental sized knock up streams. As we know, Uranus was able to create massive sea quakes when used on Lulusia; however, the water level didn’t rise for 6 days after this attack. As such, where did that water come from? If it was just from creating the hole, why did it take six days? I believe there may have been a massive knock up stream on the other side of the world that took place during those six days and when it ended, the water levels rose as the water settled back onto earth and this was how Joyboy planned to get his continent into the Sky.

Finally, Poseidons power of controlling the seakings. I believe this power was planned to carry the ships of these islands up the knock up stream. As we’ve seen sailing that stream is dangerous; however, seakings are masters of the oceans and if anyone can pull people safely through the stream it’s them. That’s where the Noah fits in. The sea quake that will happen due to creating a continental knock up stream will destroy Fishman Island; however, the Noah will allow the Fishman to save the entire population of their island and when they arrive on Pangaea will be able to live on the surface under the sun with all others since the Mermaid Princess was the one who saved the world by having the seakings pull the populace to safety.

6. The story impact

In my opinion, the magnet as the one piece makes sense because as we’ve been told, the magnetic field to Raftel is too unstable to locate via Logpose. The powerful magnet could very easily explain this.

The second being that it could also explain why the grand line islands have such insane magnetic fields. If this magnet was used in the ancient past to break up a continent that later became the grand line islands, them having residual magnetic fields would explain why compass navigation doesn’t work on the sea.

The third being magnetic fields may explain Seaprism Stone, DF weakness to the sea, and Buggy’s and Tokis reaction when they approached Raftel. There is a phenomenon in the world cause Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity aka EHS which takes on the form of Exhaustion, dizziness, Difficulty thinking, and so forth. This isn’t unlike the effects Luffy affects when underwater as if the water is rejecting him. I believe this may be because of the unique Electromagnetic fields of Pyrobloin, the main component in Seaprism stone. Pyrobloin for some reason naturally clumps together according to Papagu; perhaps because it’s magnetically attracted. And somehow these fields specifically give DF users EHS and weaken them. If Pyrobloin is a part of the One Piece, which it likely would be since we can assume Wano craftsman were likely taking part in making it, then it would fully explain Buggy’s and Tokis conditions

Anyways, I think that’s all I have.

@Cross_Marian @DarkestKnightofSpoilers

Kizaruber Eats

Ion Fury the game is ridiculously fun and good!
I hear the drums... Jika-sama is back!:kidsmile:
JikaInElbaf/JikaInLaughTale is inevitable!

Damned One Hallelujah!

The Emperors are shaken,
On this fateful night.
Damned are their crowns,
No guiding light.

The Red Line crumbles like thunder,
The World's about to fall.
It's the Kid-pocalypse,
Now heed his call!

All we need is magnetism,
With power and might.
Drawing in the rebels, defying all that's false,
As the new moon is rising,
Give us the sign!
Now let @Jika rise up and shine!

Damned One, bring forth thy hard rock hallelujah!
Rebel and conqueror, all in one has arrived.
Jika the Damned, bring forth thy hard rock hallelujah!
In the New World's chaos, a legend thrives!

The true believers,
They shall be freed.
Brothers and sisters, keep strong in this creed.
On the day of reckoning,
Destruction's the key.
You will see the damned one bring down the decree.

All we need is magnetism,
With power and might.
Drawing in the rebels, defying all that's false,
As the new moon is rising,
Give us the sign!
Now let Jika rise up and shine!

Damned One, bring forth thy hard rock hallelujah!
Rebel and conqueror, all in one has arrived.
Jika the Damned, bring forth thy hard rock hallelujah!
In the New World's chaos, a legend thrives!

Chains on my limbs,
Damnation in my head.
My spirit's unyielding,
My will is red.
Not quite a hero,
But the one who defied.
Now choose to join us or be left behind!

Damned One Hallelujah!
Damned One, bring forth thy hard rock hallelujah!
Rebel and conqueror, all in one has arrived.
Jika the Damned, bring forth thy hard rock hallelujah!
In the New World's chaos, a legend thrives!

So this theory is basically what is the One Piece and I think the biggest hints we’ve ever gotten is the introduction to the story, the One Piece is Wealth Fame and Power.

Now, the question is what does this mean? Well, I believe it is a very literal sense, the Treasure is something that bestows Wealth beyond imagine, Fame beyond anyone else in the world, and Power to bend the world itself to your whims.

In the same vein, a major theme in One Piece is that to great pirates, a real treasure goes beyond monetary value (for example Luffys Hat and Whitebeards Family) as such the monetary wealth, power, and fame can’t be all the one piece has to offer. So, the next major hint we have to the One Pieces existence is the likelihood that it’s likely related to whatever Joyboys dream is and finally the last hint is that, this treasure made Roger laugh.

As such, putting this together I believe that the One Piece is a small Magnet made up of precious metals.


Now, how does a Small Magnet fit everything I mentioned, and beyond that, why call it the “One Piece?”

1. Wealth Fame and Power

Obviously Wealth is clear, as precious metals can be worth fortunes and Fame is very obvious as merely finding it gives one the esteemed title as King of the Seas, however, the Power may be the more curious aspect. As we’re told, one of the greatest powers in the world was Whitebeards power to destroy the world; however, I believe this magnet would give the user a power beyond destroying a world, creating a new one.

2. Joyboys Dream

And Creating a new one is what I believe was a part of Joyboys dream. The ancient world may have been a series of continents; however, those continents were still separated by massive ocean and due to the Seakings, traversing between the continents was difficult. In a way, everyone was trapped in their own continent. This is why I believe Joyboy dream was to create a world where people were no longer trapped by the sea, Pangaea, a continent made up of all continents that resides in the clouds.

As such for this dream to come to fruition, Joyboy would need a way to bring the continents together and keep them that way. And I believe he planned to do that through magnetism and the ancient weapons (I’ll explain more on how he used the One Piece in the Void Century later in this theory)

3. Why Roger Laughed

Now why would Roger laugh at this? The worlds flooding, ancient weapons, plague the earth, and their exists an ancient war that never ended, so why laugh? Because, the truth is the world was permanently changed because of one man’s fantastical dream. Roger laughing at a fantastical dream out of admiration would fit OPs theme where laughing at dreams is a major theme with people laughing at Roger’s dream too.

4. Why called the One Piece

As I mentioned before, the One Piece may be a magnet; however, why call it the One Piece? Because it is just one piece, it’s only a piece of the bigger picture that is the Pangaea dream of Joyboy. The other pieces? The ancient weapons.

Big mom asked if part of the one piece was in Wano, and I feel Oda did that as a hint that the ancient weapons are part of the puzzle here. And thinking about it I think I see what they’re for. Pluton as the battleship that destroys islands, Uranus a weapon that destroyed lulusia, and Poseidon the power that controls sea kings all play a part.

5. The ancient weapons

Starting with Pluton I think Oda specifically toyed with the man as Pluto is the god of the dead, Pluton is a name that is more attributed to a god of wealth. Which made me think, what if the pluton wasn’t created as a battleship at all but rather a mining ship used to mine the raw materials needed from the nearby reverse mountain which is full of magnetic material.

However, due to how advanced it was, in modern day it could easily be mistaken for an advanced battleship. And the power to destroy earth will be needed again as its piece of the puzzle is to blow massive holes in the red line so that all islands of the world can gravitate towards the one piece.

Next up is Uranus, as I said before the dream imo is to create a continent in the sky (like Upper Yard) and just like Upper Yard, there needs to be a way to get this continent into the White White Sea. I believe, Uranus’ true power is to create a massive tide of water that creates continental sized knock up streams. As we know, Uranus was able to create massive sea quakes when used on Lulusia; however, the water level didn’t rise for 6 days after this attack. As such, where did that water come from? If it was just from creating the hole, why did it take six days? I believe there may have been a massive knock up stream on the other side of the world that took place during those six days and when it ended, the water levels rose as the water settled back onto earth and this was how Joyboy planned to get his continent into the Sky.

Finally, Poseidons power of controlling the seakings. I believe this power was planned to carry the ships of these islands up the knock up stream. As we’ve seen sailing that stream is dangerous; however, seakings are masters of the oceans and if anyone can pull people safely through the stream it’s them. That’s where the Noah fits in. The sea quake that will happen due to creating a continental knock up stream will destroy Fishman Island; however, the Noah will allow the Fishman to save the entire population of their island and when they arrive on Pangaea will be able to live on the surface under the sun with all others since the Mermaid Princess was the one who saved the world by having the seakings pull the populace to safety.

6. The story impact

In my opinion, the magnet as the one piece makes sense because as we’ve been told, the magnetic field to Raftel is too unstable to locate via Logpose. The powerful magnet could very easily explain this.

The second being that it could also explain why the grand line islands have such insane magnetic fields. If this magnet was used in the ancient past to break up a continent that later became the grand line islands, them having residual magnetic fields would explain why compass navigation doesn’t work on the sea.

The third being magnetic fields may explain Seaprism Stone, DF weakness to the sea, and Buggy’s and Tokis reaction when they approached Raftel. There is a phenomenon in the world cause Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity aka EHS which takes on the form of Exhaustion, dizziness, Difficulty thinking, and so forth. This isn’t unlike the effects Luffy affects when underwater as if the water is rejecting him. I believe this may be because of the unique Electromagnetic fields of Pyrobloin, the main component in Seaprism stone. Pyrobloin for some reason naturally clumps together according to Papagu; perhaps because it’s magnetically attracted. And somehow these fields specifically give DF users EHS and weaken them. If Pyrobloin is a part of the One Piece, which it likely would be since we can assume Wano craftsman were likely taking part in making it, then it would fully explain Buggy’s and Tokis conditions

Anyways, I think that’s all I have.

@Cross_Marian @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
Dude, I just finished reading this theory and I'm freaking out!! It's like, the most mind-blowing thing I've ever read about One Piece! Seriously, it connects so many dots that I never even realized were there.

The idea of the One Piece being a magnet is just insane!! Like, not just some random treasure, but a literal magnet that can reshape the entire world?! That's some next-level, world-shattering stuff! And the way it ties into Joy Boy's dream, the Ancient Weapons, even Sea Prism Stone and Devil Fruits... It's all so interconnected, it's like a giant puzzle finally coming together!

I've always been fascinated by the mysteries of One Piece, but this theory takes it to a whole new level! It makes me rethink everything I thought I knew about the story. And the implications are just mind-boggling!! Imagine a world where the continents are united, where the barriers of the sea are broken down. It's a beautiful, utopian vision, and it's exactly the kind of thing that would make Joy Boy laugh.

Honestly, I'm so hyped for the ending of One Piece now!!! If this theory is even remotely close to the truth, we're in for one hell of a ride! It's gonna be epic, mind-blowing, and probably make us all cry like babies! I can't wait to see how Oda pulls it all off! And I'm so glad that you posted this theory, it's given me a whole new appreciation for the story and its potential!

This is such a fucking uniquely brilliant take on what the One Piece is and strongly connects everything together much like magnets of course and it suits my agendas perfectly as my bro Nika pointed out ofc!

This is legit peak WG content, a reason I'm glad I'm still here and came back! Thank you for this! Oh man, I love this regardless of where the story goes, what the One Piece will be, all the answers we seek and such!
@Sir Yasheen is cooking a feast right here i think,i‘m not completly on board with the OP being a Magnet ,but i really like your explanation about Pyrobloin and Seaprism .
AK also could have done this as some sort of safety mechanism ,so other DF Users would be powerful infront of the OP.
Maybe to prevent it being destroyed by an DF powers.
Just a thought.

About the Pangea Continent ,i would like to add Oars Race there .
We still don‘t know the reason why they where called Continent Pullers ,i think this adds to your theory as well .

@Kerkovian come here ,we just talked about BM‘s quote Yasheen is cooking :finally:
Using the magnet can kill whoever is around because they cannot undo the magnetic field hence Roger and his crew weren't able to use it. Maybe them there is a prophecy that the white warrior with a rubber body arrives in .... years..

Rubber is not magnetic so Luffy won't be affected if he uses the Magnet .
So this theory is basically what is the One Piece and I think the biggest hints we’ve ever gotten is the introduction to the story, the One Piece is Wealth Fame and Power.

Now, the question is what does this mean? Well, I believe it is a very literal sense, the Treasure is something that bestows Wealth beyond imagine, Fame beyond anyone else in the world, and Power to bend the world itself to your whims.

In the same vein, a major theme in One Piece is that to great pirates, a real treasure goes beyond monetary value (for example Luffys Hat and Whitebeards Family) as such the monetary wealth, power, and fame can’t be all the one piece has to offer. So, the next major hint we have to the One Pieces existence is the likelihood that it’s likely related to whatever Joyboys dream is and finally the last hint is that, this treasure made Roger laugh.

As such, putting this together I believe that the One Piece is a small Magnet made up of precious metals.


Now, how does a Small Magnet fit everything I mentioned, and beyond that, why call it the “One Piece?”

1. Wealth Fame and Power

Obviously Wealth is clear, as precious metals can be worth fortunes and Fame is very obvious as merely finding it gives one the esteemed title as King of the Seas, however, the Power may be the more curious aspect. As we’re told, one of the greatest powers in the world was Whitebeards power to destroy the world; however, I believe this magnet would give the user a power beyond destroying a world, creating a new one.

2. Joyboys Dream

And Creating a new one is what I believe was a part of Joyboys dream. The ancient world may have been a series of continents; however, those continents were still separated by massive ocean and due to the Seakings, traversing between the continents was difficult. In a way, everyone was trapped in their own continent. This is why I believe Joyboy dream was to create a world where people were no longer trapped by the sea, Pangaea, a continent made up of all continents that resides in the clouds.

As such for this dream to come to fruition, Joyboy would need a way to bring the continents together and keep them that way. And I believe he planned to do that through magnetism and the ancient weapons (I’ll explain more on how he used the One Piece in the Void Century later in this theory)

3. Why Roger Laughed

Now why would Roger laugh at this? The worlds flooding, ancient weapons, plague the earth, and their exists an ancient war that never ended, so why laugh? Because, the truth is the world was permanently changed because of one man’s fantastical dream. Roger laughing at a fantastical dream out of admiration would fit OPs theme where laughing at dreams is a major theme with people laughing at Roger’s dream too.

4. Why called the One Piece

As I mentioned before, the One Piece may be a magnet; however, why call it the One Piece? Because it is just one piece, it’s only a piece of the bigger picture that is the Pangaea dream of Joyboy. The other pieces? The ancient weapons.

Big mom asked if part of the one piece was in Wano, and I feel Oda did that as a hint that the ancient weapons are part of the puzzle here. And thinking about it I think I see what they’re for. Pluton as the battleship that destroys islands, Uranus a weapon that destroyed lulusia, and Poseidon the power that controls sea kings all play a part.

5. The ancient weapons

Starting with Pluton I think Oda specifically toyed with the man as Pluto is the god of the dead, Pluton is a name that is more attributed to a god of wealth. Which made me think, what if the pluton wasn’t created as a battleship at all but rather a mining ship used to mine the raw materials needed from the nearby reverse mountain which is full of magnetic material.

However, due to how advanced it was, in modern day it could easily be mistaken for an advanced battleship. And the power to destroy earth will be needed again as its piece of the puzzle is to blow massive holes in the red line so that all islands of the world can gravitate towards the one piece.

Next up is Uranus, as I said before the dream imo is to create a continent in the sky (like Upper Yard) and just like Upper Yard, there needs to be a way to get this continent into the White White Sea. I believe, Uranus’ true power is to create a massive tide of water that creates continental sized knock up streams. As we know, Uranus was able to create massive sea quakes when used on Lulusia; however, the water level didn’t rise for 6 days after this attack. As such, where did that water come from? If it was just from creating the hole, why did it take six days? I believe there may have been a massive knock up stream on the other side of the world that took place during those six days and when it ended, the water levels rose as the water settled back onto earth and this was how Joyboy planned to get his continent into the Sky.

Finally, Poseidons power of controlling the seakings. I believe this power was planned to carry the ships of these islands up the knock up stream. As we’ve seen sailing that stream is dangerous; however, seakings are masters of the oceans and if anyone can pull people safely through the stream it’s them. That’s where the Noah fits in. The sea quake that will happen due to creating a continental knock up stream will destroy Fishman Island; however, the Noah will allow the Fishman to save the entire population of their island and when they arrive on Pangaea will be able to live on the surface under the sun with all others since the Mermaid Princess was the one who saved the world by having the seakings pull the populace to safety.

6. The story impact

In my opinion, the magnet as the one piece makes sense because as we’ve been told, the magnetic field to Raftel is too unstable to locate via Logpose. The powerful magnet could very easily explain this.

The second being that it could also explain why the grand line islands have such insane magnetic fields. If this magnet was used in the ancient past to break up a continent that later became the grand line islands, them having residual magnetic fields would explain why compass navigation doesn’t work on the sea.

The third being magnetic fields may explain Seaprism Stone, DF weakness to the sea, and Buggy’s and Tokis reaction when they approached Raftel. There is a phenomenon in the world cause Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity aka EHS which takes on the form of Exhaustion, dizziness, Difficulty thinking, and so forth. This isn’t unlike the effects Luffy affects when underwater as if the water is rejecting him. I believe this may be because of the unique Electromagnetic fields of Pyrobloin, the main component in Seaprism stone. Pyrobloin for some reason naturally clumps together according to Papagu; perhaps because it’s magnetically attracted. And somehow these fields specifically give DF users EHS and weaken them. If Pyrobloin is a part of the One Piece, which it likely would be since we can assume Wano craftsman were likely taking part in making it, then it would fully explain Buggy’s and Tokis conditions

Anyways, I think that’s all I have.

@Cross_Marian @DarkestKnightofSpoilers
It's an Anchor
@Sir Yasheen is cooking a feast right here i think,i‘m not completly on board with the OP being a Magnet ,but i really like your explanation about Pyrobloin and Seaprism .
AK also could have done this as some sort of safety mechanism ,so other DF Users would be powerful infront of the OP.
Maybe to prevent it being destroyed by an DF powers.
Just a thought.

About the Pangea Continent ,i would like to add Oars Race there .
We still don‘t know the reason why they where called Continent Pullers ,i think this adds to your theory as well .

@Kerkovian come here ,we just talked about BM‘s quote Yasheen is cooking :finally:
Tbh I don’t think anything is going to be super satisfying to be the One Piece lmao especially since treasures are usually more about the meaning rather than simply what they are.

As such I feel the OP being a mere bauble that unlocks the door to a super continent in the clouds is very fitting thematically but I understand it would feel like a “really that’s it?” Kinda moment
The ancient weapons need to have a practical use in order to fit Tom’s/Franky’s philosophy. I like the idea of pluton being a mining machine, Poseidon is likely for travel, Uranus creating knock up waves sounds interesting but idk if that really fits what we’ve seen of that nuke like weapon
The ancient weapons need to have a practical use in order to fit Tom’s/Franky’s philosophy. I like the idea of pluton being a mining machine, Poseidon is likely for travel, Uranus creating knock up waves sounds interesting but idk if that really fits what we’ve seen of that nuke like weapon
Pluton mines/terraforms
Poseidon moves islands
Uranus creates sky islands/destroys land for further terraforming
The ancient weapons need to have a practical use in order to fit Tom’s/Franky’s philosophy. I like the idea of pluton being a mining machine, Poseidon is likely for travel, Uranus creating knock up waves sounds interesting but idk if that really fits what we’ve seen of that nuke like weapon
Fair on Uranus, I believe the only reason it may work like this is because it took six days for the water to rise and the sea quake to trigger, which feels weird because that water had to go somewhere for those 6 days.

Uranus I think we won’t know much about until the end because it’s the first weapon we saw used for destruction. However, since the weapons were passed down by Joyboy, we have to assume there’s another use for it