Questions & Mysteries What is the total population of the one piece world

For reference Fishmen Island has a population of 5 million, Alabasta’s population is 10 million, 1,000 people die of starvation yearly in the Pepe Kingdom so assuming the ratio of starvation deaths are similar to our own world (9 million deaths yearly worldwide), The total population of the Pepe Kingdom is 888,000.



A man, my son 🌊
I'm going with a cool 100 million because not all islands are created equal in size and density, same as for the Kingdoms. The population was probably much higher before the Void Century took place and any number of additional genocide/extermination campaigns by the WG. Races such as Lunarians, Buccaneers must have had decent pop.

If we assume that there is one CoC user for every ~1,000,000, then we only have 18 confirmed canon users so far in the story (from wiki). Even if that metric is biased, there should be plenty of CoC users out there that we aren't aware of and Oda can give. I expect Gorosei, Imu, Buggy-Sama, and others.