Questions & Mysteries What Sora, Warrior of the based on

So I dont know if this theory was ever made. But heres a quick theory anyways...

Sora the Warrior of the Sea, is a comic made from the WG about the Marine Hero called "Sora". It was about how Sora stopped the evil army of Germa....and how Germa always lost to Sora and his trusty Robot

The comic was big in the North Blue to the point where Law knows everything about it.

But now where did this comic come from ? And if their really was a man called Stealth Black in the comics too....then that means Judge is blatently copying a comic that was about his family...before he even created his family lmao.

And why also does Sanji's mother have the same name as the protagonist ?

So my theory is that....Germa in the Sora comic book, is based on Sanji's ancestors who lived 300 years ago. The Ancestors that ruled the entirety of the North Blue for 66 days....

Heres why:

Firstly Vito claims the Comic book is based on true events...

Secondly, Judge talks about his Ancestors cruel fate of ruling the North Blue for 66 days until they lost it....
Just like how Germa always loses in the comics....

Thirdly, the people in the comics have blonde hair like Judge. Showing that their Lineage Factor wasnt modified. Defintely not based on the multi-coloured Vins we have here.

You can also see a man that looks nothing like Judge. So Judge is obviously not copying the comic...

So then why is the real Germa similar to the comics. Well if the comics is based on true marine exports, that means Sora's fights with Germa was real. Thus 300 years ago, Germa was an evil army that reigned over the North Blue. And what Judge is truly copying is the abilities of his ancestors. He isnt copying from the comic book.

So is it true. That Germa lost the North Blue to Sora the Marine Hero. Is this where Germa got their notoriety from and reputation as the Evil mythical army. Due Sanji's evil ancestors. However another note to point is that Vito said that the comic book could have been pure propaganda, to make the marines look like heros.

Same type of propaganda that Wano spews to it's children about Orochi. Would that then mean that Germa were the actual heros, and Sora was an evil Akainu like Marine.

But can Sanji's Ancestors have powers like invisibility and electricity, if they didnt get modified to get them. Perhaps they all have had DF abilities, and Judge's bases his children's modifications on those fruits. Also explains why their is a book on Devil Fruits within the Germa Library. And Judge's partner being a DF expert. If those DFs were already eaten by people like Absaldom, Judge doesnt have time to give them to his children. He needs to create them himself.

So in conclusion:

- The Sora comic book is based on Sanji's ancestors who lost the North Blue 300 years ago. A marine legend name Sora could've actually defeated them
- Judge now bases all his tech and his childrens abilities on the abilities his Ancestors have had.
- His Ancestors all had DFs
- Sora could've potentially been evil if all of it was marine propaganda.

I still dont know how Sanji's mother fits into it. I dont know why Oda made her be called Sora as well. And why Judge would marry a woman named after the man who defeated his ancestors.
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Nah, I think they have the RS to thank for their abilities similar to Sanji's invisibility currently. I think the RS wasn't developped by Judge but inherited from his ancestors.
Possibly. Would explain a lot since Judge is a scientist not a confirmed weapon specialist....

Maybe the only benefits Judge gave to the Vinsmoke Lineage was being able to modify them...



Welcome to the House of Hope
Possibly. Would explain a lot since Judge is a scientist not a confirmed weapon specialist....

Maybe the only benefits Judge gave to the Vinsmoke Lineage was being able to modify them...

The Germa Kingdom develops its science through warfare. That is stated in panel by Yonji, I believe.
Saying Judge knows how to manufacture weapons is not a stretch.
the actual character of Sora was most likely based off the SSG
its Vice versa if anything. Sora came out long before the SSG
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I’m assuming:

Sparkling Red was Kizarus Light Light Fruit

Dengeki Blue was Enels Rumble Rumble Fruit

Stealth Black was Shiryus Clear Clear Fruit

Winch Green was Luffys Gum Gum Fruit

Poison Pink was Magellan’s Venom Venom Fruit

Judges suit didn’t have a name so no way to know, it’s possible that it’s a pun on Judges name and his originator had Urouges fruit seeing his insane height.
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its Vice versa if anything. Sora came out long before the SSG
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I’m assuming:

Sparkling Red was Kizarus Light Light Fruit

Dengeki Blue was Enels Rumble Rumble Fruit

Stealth Black was Shiryus Clear Clear Fruit

Winch Green was Luffys Gum Gum Fruit

Poison Pink was Magellan’s Venom Venom Fruit

Judges suit didn’t have a name so no way to know, it’s possible that it’s a pun on Judges name and his originator had Urouges fruit seeing his insane height.
I don't think Judge has any devil fruit to be honest. The only thing we have is Garuda which is a bird in Hindu mythology but that's more of his epithet. Good point on the siblings though.
This theory is very good and makes a lot of sense.
When Germa lost their reign over north blue some of their fighters with df abilities might have been killed and the marines took their devil fruits. That's how Germa lost the fruits. So now Judge wanted to recreate these powers by altering the lineage factor.
And also, Oda was wondering if Sanji is a devil fruit himself so it makes sense.