Questions & Mysteries Whats your Opinion on Boa Hancock post Ts? Do you think shes beyond trash or do think shes alright her Time will come as Luffys next Princess?



She’ll be like every other attractive woman in One Piece

She’s hea for tits and screaming for Luffys help
Thats why yamato is best girl, only one who stopped this pattern.
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She's trash carried by a fruit. Getting choke-diffed and not even using haki to protect your neck lmao. And people cope that Teach had her in check. Bruh if Teach had any other warlord, admiral, or yonko in a chokehold the community would clown on them forever but for Hancock it's ok
Nobody hypes hancock lol.


BB seemed to feel more threatened by her than he did with Law and Ace, tbf.
He specifically went straight for a Kurouzu while she was focused on Koby and didn't want to let go of her for nothing, that's not something you do if you can simply neg them.
Her fruit probably has something more than just being a love on, probably a mythical zoan at that lol.
Boa has some of if not the best feats outside Yonkou. She's basically prime Rayleigh level of feats. Even the yonkou fear her. She handles Yonkou commanders easier than Big Mom, has more hax then blackbeard and Law and is about as brave as the main character. Her bounty like luffy
Is significantly lower than it should be.
She had a hype panel like this:

Only to be treated like this:

And had to be saved by Rayleigh. That’s when I realized she was never going to have a good character moment other than to simp like a dog for Luffy. S-Snake feels way more threatening and powerful than her at this point.
Blackbeard is an emperor he would stomp anyone that isn't a top tier or close to a top tier