Questions & Mysteries When will we see Mihawk in action?

Do you guys think it will be off paneled like kid vs shanks and law vs teach? Or will we see soon what the WSS is capaple of? It would be pretty hype if the next arc after egg head turns out to be zoros arc vs mihawk. What do you think yall?
Someone had mentioned last week - Shanks - Kid battle might be interrupted by Cross Guild (Law vs. BB also might be interrupted by Garp).
Kid can play hype-tool for them just like oden was for roger and primebeard

This way, Kid and Law's lives would be spared. And there would be an exchange of poneglyphs where one or the other side (or both) steal/rob from one another. Progress in story without killing anyone - basically Oda's favorite style.
There are Three Clues:

1. Elbaf Battle is on Sea Level & Dorry/Brogy's Involvement is already Teased, so they have no Option but to use their Combo Attack
2. Ohara Books were moved by New Giant Pirates who worked for Buggy before, so Cross Guild might seek them
3. Next Week is Birthday of both Shanks & Mihawk

So it's possible that we will see Mihawk cutting Dorry/Brogy's Attack