Questions & Mysteries Which side won at Marineford?

Not only did the WB pirates lose their captain but they lost one of their top commanders, whom they set out to rescue in the first place. None of the Marines best people were lost, only one admiral was wounded but not fatally, the fleet admiral and the marine hero didn’t even lift a finger against the WB pirates (outside of Garp punching Marco once). The warlord characters either under performed or actively fought against the Marines, only Doffy and Kuma did their job honestly and even they could have probably did more, Moriah tried but ☠️. This was absolutely a marine victory.
--Depends on what you mean by winning and losing. If WBP were destroyed completely then marines would have been winners 100%. They did manage to take their captain down so its somewhat of a win like 30%.

--WBP were losers in terms of their goals. TBF theres a good chance WBP would have retired in near future or WB could have died to sickness