Controversial Whitebeard Fought like Bigmam



Don't get me wrong, When I say Whitebeard Fight like Bigmam.
I don't mean to insult whitebeard , but rather Whitebeard is more focussed on Devil fruit instead of Haki.

Sure he does have great feats with Haki but so do Bigmam.

- Roger and Whitebeard Sky split.
- Bigmam and Kaidou Sky Split.

Whitebeard and Bigmam Usually using Haki....

My key points being :
- Whitebeard and Bigmam don't Abuse Haki like Kaidou , Luffy and Shanks.
- They have Haki , but to attack DF users only.
Not as an Offense Booster.

We keep on Saying Old-Beard Wasn't using Haki in Marineford. Though I do believe Prime-beard would be stronger than oldbeard but still his main source of Damage would be from DF only.

Bigmam and Whitebeard Fruits work differently than Kaidou and Luffy.
Kaidou and Luffy are the only one to be Zoan as well in the Yonkou Class right now.

Bigmam and Whitebeard both of their attacks can't be coated in Haki.

They can for sure definately use haki to attack Logia/Paramacia users but again it's to at least touch DF users.

Haki can't nullify DF attacks.
Same goes for Kidd Canon , Law Attacks.

Haki only enables them to Touch DF users or Disable the effect it has on the "Haki User". Example being law using Haki to Reverse DoC Q effects.

Which brings me to other section of the this point.
- Whitebeard never Fought Roger with Haki.
- Even if he did , he didn't use it simultaneously.
- it was either DF or Haki.
- Both Whitebeard and Bigmam aren't confirmed Advanced Observation or Arnament user. Though they have demonstrated no-touch. I don't think so they have Internal destruction. They are only advanced Conqueror Coating confirmed.

Because think about it yourself.
It will be funny for people who don't consider Roger a swordsman.
But Sky split already demonstrated they have nearly equally strong Haki. With barely any difference which would make either of then superior.

- now if both of them nearly equal haki , Roger having no devil fruit and Whitebeard having Strongest paramacia in his arsenal. Who do you think is stronger over here? That too by a huge margin.
It's whitebeard , but that isn't the case , they were called rivals and nearly equal in strength by majority of the verse.

- only possible argument I can make is
1) Roger Abused Haki vs WB Abusing DF
2) Roger Abusing Haki vs WB using basic Form of Haki with DF
3) Roger Countered the WB with Advanced Forms of Haki.
4) Roger Swordsmanship Kept up with the Prime beard (where people believe WB would abuse Conqueror Coating).

Kaidou said Roger Conquerored everything with Haki alone.
But he didn't said anything for Whitebeard like that , we know WB was the most prime candidate to reach One piece after roger he simply didn't choose to , rather he took on the reigns to Pirate king without Sitting on it.

Why Kaidou and Luffy are exceptionally Stronger.
- Zoan Users , They can integrate Haki very well compared Bigmam , WB , Law , Kidd type devil fruit.

- Only these two with awakened form + Haki can Surpass Rogers.
- Swordsman with better swordsmanship can beat roger , Like Mihawk and EOS Zoro (Black Blade users)
- Bigmam And Whitebeard can stalemate Roger with Awakening.

I think there's a solid reason why Kaidou and Bigmam were never given Awakening and Shanks was not given Black Blade.

Final Note
- WB and Bigmam were dependent on DF instead of Haki. (I DON'T MEAN TO SAY THEY HAVE WEAK HAKI) they simply choose DF over Haki.
- Even Today if Kaidou vs Bigmam were to Happen. It's extreme diff Battle. I know what I said but Kid and Law never Knocked out bigmam and she clearly was ready to do more , but plot introduced a Silent room , Bombs and a Large hole to Hell (Magma).
- We complained so much about Bigmam not using her Haki properly in battle but neither did WB. I don't think so disease would stop you from using haki , it can make you weak physically but Haki should stay like Roger/Rayleigh/garp/bigmam.
Roger is confirmed to be ill from a disease yet no flaw in Haki.

I personally believe , We focussed so much on Haki , that we don't Respect Bigmam and Admirals. They are top tiers too.

(I KNOW IT'S ironical that it's coming from someone who believes in haki superiority)
Don't get me wrong, When I say Whitebeard Fight like Bigmam.
I don't mean to insult whitebeard , but rather Whitebeard is more focussed on Devil fruit instead of Haki.

Sure he does have great feats with Haki but so do Bigmam.

- Roger and Whitebeard Sky split.
- Bigmam and Kaidou Sky Split.

Whitebeard and Bigmam Usually using Haki....

My key points being :
- Whitebeard and Bigmam don't Abuse Haki like Kaidou , Luffy and Shanks.
- They have Haki , but to attack DF users only.
Not as an Offense Booster.

We keep on Saying Old-Beard Wasn't using Haki in Marineford. Though I do believe Prime-beard would be stronger than oldbeard but still his main source of Damage would be from DF only.

Bigmam and Whitebeard Fruits work differently than Kaidou and Luffy.
Kaidou and Luffy are the only one to be Zoan as well in the Yonkou Class right now.

Bigmam and Whitebeard both of their attacks can't be coated in Haki.

They can for sure definately use haki to attack Logia/Paramacia users but again it's to at least touch DF users.

Haki can't nullify DF attacks.
Same goes for Kidd Canon , Law Attacks.

Haki only enables them to Touch DF users or Disable the effect it has on the "Haki User". Example being law using Haki to Reverse DoC Q effects.

Which brings me to other section of the this point.
- Whitebeard never Fought Roger with Haki.
- Even if he did , he didn't use it simultaneously.
- it was either DF or Haki.
- Both Whitebeard and Bigmam aren't confirmed Advanced Observation or Arnament user. Though they have demonstrated no-touch. I don't think so they have Internal destruction. They are only advanced Conqueror Coating confirmed.

Because think about it yourself.
It will be funny for people who don't consider Roger a swordsman.
But Sky split already demonstrated they have nearly equally strong Haki. With barely any difference which would make either of then superior.

- now if both of them nearly equal haki , Roger having no devil fruit and Whitebeard having Strongest paramacia in his arsenal. Who do you think is stronger over here? That too by a huge margin.
It's whitebeard , but that isn't the case , they were called rivals and nearly equal in strength by majority of the verse.

- only possible argument I can make is
1) Roger Abused Haki vs WB Abusing DF
2) Roger Abusing Haki vs WB using basic Form of Haki with DF
3) Roger Countered the WB with Advanced Forms of Haki.
4) Roger Swordsmanship Kept up with the Prime beard (where people believe WB would abuse Conqueror Coating).

Kaidou said Roger Conquerored everything with Haki alone.
But he didn't said anything for Whitebeard like that , we know WB was the most prime candidate to reach One piece after roger he simply didn't choose to , rather he took on the reigns to Pirate king without Sitting on it.

Why Kaidou and Luffy are exceptionally Stronger.
- Zoan Users , They can integrate Haki very well compared Bigmam , WB , Law , Kidd type devil fruit.

- Only these two with awakened form + Haki can Surpass Rogers.
- Swordsman with better swordsmanship can beat roger , Like Mihawk and EOS Zoro (Black Blade users)
- Bigmam And Whitebeard can stalemate Roger with Awakening.

I think there's a solid reason why Kaidou and Bigmam were never given Awakening and Shanks was not given Black Blade.

Final Note
- WB and Bigmam were dependent on DF instead of Haki. (I DON'T MEAN TO SAY THEY HAVE WEAK HAKI) they simply choose DF over Haki.
- Even Today if Kaidou vs Bigmam were to Happen. It's extreme diff Battle. I know what I said but Kid and Law never Knocked out bigmam and she clearly was ready to do more , but plot introduced a Silent room , Bombs and a Large hole to Hell (Magma).
- We complained so much about Bigmam not using her Haki properly in battle but neither did WB. I don't think so disease would stop you from using haki , it can make you weak physically but Haki should stay like Roger/Rayleigh/garp/bigmam.
Roger is confirmed to be ill from a disease yet no flaw in Haki.

I personally believe , We focussed so much on Haki , that we don't Respect Bigmam and Admirals. They are top tiers too.

(I KNOW IT'S ironical that it's coming from someone who believes in haki superiority)
Oda will find a way to balance things out depending on what the narrative requires. We can see Logias equaling ACoC for all we know if Oda wants that. There seems to be a limitation that BM, WB and others can't use their haki in tandem with DFs. Aokiji was shown using his DF while Garp was shown using haki. The first part of the story was DF reign supreme and then haki was brought as the equalizer and now haki is being shown as superior.

When the WSC with one of the strongest DFs says that Haki Transcends all, it means that and that 3 (possibly 4) out of his 5 top guys have no DF it tells you that haki is the deciding factor for the very top. There is a level that DFs can take you too but in the end it is haki which puts you above to the next level.
It's ironic that despite Kaido saying Haki conquers all, there was zero chance that Luffy would have won without a DF Awakening.

Kaido's strongest attack shrouds himself in magma which is the main highlight, not Haki (which you can't even tell is there).

WB and BM are both DF-based fighters but they are not DF merchants. You don't become a Yonko or be a runner-up to PK title by simply being a DF merchant (Buggy is obviously a joke, has been since MF).

The way I see it. Top tiers will use whatever abilities suit the most for fighting their opponent.

If BM fought Shanks, she would 100% be using her ACoC.

If WB fought Kaido, he would 100% be using ACoC Gura attacks to combat Dragon/Hybrid Kaido.

Kizaru even though he has ACoA did not use it at all and solely relied on his DF. Luffy while not fighting another ACoC opponent did not use ACoC at all except once.

Oda will just draw whatever he thinks is convenient to showcase a balanced battle without any real explanation for why they're not using all their abilities.