Who can replicate Ouki's performance against Bayou Houken?


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'π–˜ π•Ύπ–•π–†π–œπ–“
During their duel during the Battle of Bayou, Houken noted that he outclassed Ouki in strength, speed and technique, but despite that, he was unable to bring down Ouki.

Ouki also came close to killing Houken, and only stopped because of the surprise arrival of Riboku's army.

During Round 2 of their duel, Ouki also displayed dominance over Houken, even though Ouki thought that Houken getting knocked unconscious earlier may have "unshackled" him

Ouki would have slayed Houken if it wasn't for Gi Ka's arrow

Now, who can replicate or do better than Ouki did at against Bayou Houken?

The reason why I'm specifying Bayou Houken is because Houken was noted to have grown stronger since Bayou. Iirc, Ouki considered the Duke to be a peer of him, and Houken basically mid diffed the Duke.

I think Renpa, Moubu, Kanmei and Man'U can 100% beat Bayou Houken in a similar manner to the way Ouki did.

Renpa has relatively even portrayal to Ouki, Moubu and Kanmei are physical monsters, and Man'U
knocked Moubu off his horse with one hand. That feat is basically unmatched lol

Other characters who I believe may be able to beat Houken include Shouheikun, Gaimou, Shibashou and Kouen, but they currently lack the feats(or in Kouen & Shibashou's cases, on panel appearances)

Prime Ouhon also should be able too I believe.

I would say Oukotsu, but he got one-shotted by Young Kanmei lol

Share your thoughts :)


@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @God Buggy @Blackbeard @MarineHQ62 @Owl Ki @Da evil Who @Seth @Shanks @Topi Jerami @Monet
@General Duke Hyuo @Seth @Jailer @RayanOO @kom5 @MarineHQ62 @Yo Tan Wa @Bullet @Kromage911 @Dark Admiral @Red Admiral @Zoro D Goat @Bepo etc
Renpa, Kanmei, Coalition Moubu, Man'U for sure could replicate the performance. Shibashou and Kouen also, simply based on their portrayals.

Gaimou I'm not too convinced by what we've seen from him so far. Even though he's been said to have better strength than Ouki, I doubt his technic is as good as both of them.

Shouheikun might be able to win high diff, but I don't think he come match Ouki's performance.


Lazy is the way
I think Renpa, Moubu, Kanmei and Man'U can 100% beat Bayou Houken in a similar manner to the way Ouki did.
I don't think Man U can do it. After having his fire back maybe but emptiness Man U has no chance to beat Houken.

Current all out MouBu can do it. Maybe Kanmei.

Prime Renpa its sure but current one who lost his mojo I don't know.

I think Kouen is hyped enough to give him a pass. SHK maybe too if he is a martial beast.

I don't know for SBS.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Mommy Fubuki!
It's been a while but when did Houken stated to grow stronger after Bayou incident? I always thought that Bayou Houken was peak Houken when it comes to martial might lol. I mean his 9 years (or 6 years rather) of training in the mountain dedicated for Ouki only. So I think that Houken maxed out his strength in Bayou just to take revenge on Ouki. Don't think he would grow stronger after the death of Ouki and especially during Coalition Invasion arc when Duke broke one of his arm. But if I'm wrong then please correct me on this. @TheKnightOfTheSea @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung etc.

OT: Bayou Moubu was too naive because he fall into one of the traps sets up by the Zhao but Coalition Moubu with weight should beat Houken. Tou was stated by Ouki that his abilities was not inferior to Ouki so I think Tou could replicate feats or even better than Ouki. Mouten said that Tou never use his full power before so Demon Tou probably beats Houken. Kouen might beat him based on hype and portrayal. Don't think guys like Renpa (unless it's Prime Renpa), Man'U, Sentoun, Kanmei, Yotanwa, Shouheikun, Gaimou, Shibashou, Gyou'Un, etc can replicate Ouki's feats or beating Houken.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'π–˜ π•Ύπ–•π–†π–œπ–“
It's been a while but when did Houken stated to grow stronger after Bayou incident? I always thought that Bayou Houken was peak Houken when it comes to martial might lol. I mean his 9 years (or 6 years rather) of training in the mountain dedicated for Ouki only. So I think that Houken maxed out his strength in Bayou just to take revenge on Ouki. Don't think he would grow stronger after the death of Ouki and especially during Coalition Invasion arc when Duke broke one of his arm. But if I'm wrong then please correct me on this. @TheKnightOfTheSea @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung etc.
I honestly think Hara was just inconsistent. In Gyou, Riboku said that Houken had already reached the peak of martial might during his first duel with Ouki.

However, in the coalition arc, random Zhao soldiers said that Houken grew even stronger since Bayou(\

Plus, Ouki seemed to consider the Duke to be on his level, and Houken mid-high diffed the Duke basically.

However, Riboku is probably a way more accurate source than random Zhao fodder.

Tou was stated by Ouki that his abilities was not inferior to Ouki so I think Tou could replicate feats or even better than Ouki. Mouten said that Tou never use his full power before so Demon Tou probably beats Houken.
Not sure if Tou can beat Houken, but he should be at the very least capable of doing about as well as Kyoukai or the Duke did. Tou was said to be close to Ouki in strength, but his somewhat lackluster performances against characters like Kouyoku and Ranbihaku have made me lower him a little bit, but I'm waiting for him to go full out.

Renpa (unless it's Prime Renpa)
Was Renpa ever said to have grown noticeably weaker since his prime? I do agree that Peak Renpa will have an easier time.

yeah those three just aren't strong enough. Maybe Prime Gyou'un could do it.

I think Shouheikun can win after a difficult fight. I fully believe that he's top 3/2 in China right now as a duelist.
I honestly think Hara was just inconsistent. In Gyou, Riboku said that Houken had already reached the peak of martial might during his first duel with Ouki.
Damn, even a great mangaka like Hara still have limits.
However, Riboku is probably a way more accurate source than random Zhao fodder.
Yup. I will entrust Riboku-sama's words on this one.:finally:
Not sure if Tou can beat Houken, but he should be at the very least capable of doing about as well as Kyoukai or the Duke did. Tou was said to be close to Ouki in strength, but his somewhat lackluster performances against characters like Kouyoku and Ranbihaku have made me lower him a little bit, but I'm waiting for him to go full out.
The fact that Tou hasn't gone all out makes me thinks that he's gonna be a beast. But yeah, he definitely needs more feats.
Was Renpa ever said to have grown noticeably weaker since his prime? I do agree that Peak Renpa will have an easier time.
Mougou stated that despite his age, his body is still in prime condition.
yeah those three just aren't strong enough. Maybe Prime Gyou'un could do it.
Prime Gyou'Un could probably replicates Ouki's feats. Sentoun probably can too considering what he did with Ranbihaku who Ouki take noted for his strength.
I think Shouheikun can win after a difficult fight. I fully believe that he's top 3/2 in China right now as a duelist.
SHK is definitely strong but I think he can push Houken to mid-high diff like Duke imo.