It was stated that Hack was a high level fishmen karate master and a instructor, but there’s actually a chance that Hack wasnt the one who taught Koala the fishmen karate! Why? Because simply, Koala has a higher ranking than Hack so who actually taught Koala the fishmen karate? And how she mentained and imrpove it?
There’s a chance that the Sun Pirates didnt just gave Koala a ride back to her hometown, but the Sun Pirates also taught her how to defend herself and her loveones.
The one who taught her “the secret fishmen karate martial arts” was actually Fisher Tiger probably some of her techniques came from many different sources too like Jimbei, Kuroobi and even Arlong himself, this is how she became a officer in the revolutionary army because her style of fighting came from the Sun Pirates! She is the one that still keeps fighting what the Sun Pirates left behind after they disbanded. The will of Fisher Tiger lives on her!
What do you guys think?
There’s a chance that the Sun Pirates didnt just gave Koala a ride back to her hometown, but the Sun Pirates also taught her how to defend herself and her loveones.
The one who taught her “the secret fishmen karate martial arts” was actually Fisher Tiger probably some of her techniques came from many different sources too like Jimbei, Kuroobi and even Arlong himself, this is how she became a officer in the revolutionary army because her style of fighting came from the Sun Pirates! She is the one that still keeps fighting what the Sun Pirates left behind after they disbanded. The will of Fisher Tiger lives on her!
What do you guys think?