Anime & Manga Why Charlotte Cucakuri is the biggest loser in the New World to date

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- Still lives under the authority of his abusive, psycho mom at 48

- Half a century old and asked a teenager to beat up his own mom for him

- Has hidden his face for decades because he's so desperate for people's approval

- Has to make up some bullshit rumors like "i've never laid on my back dude!" just to get any respect whatsoever

- A 48 years old virgin as he never showed his face to anyone or laid on his back in front of anyone

- Can't even eat unless he's hiding like a pussy. So pathetic that he kills people if they simply watch him eating

- Kept beating up Luffy for like 12 hours straight and still got defeated like a bitch

- Has no noteworthy ambitions for someone with CoC

Damn what a massive loser. I can't believe most of the fanbase jerk that guy off because he's over 5 meters tall and cool looking when he's such a big joke:rolaugh:

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