If you've spent at least 5 minutes old in this forum, you would have seen a post from a sanjifan whining about zoro/zorofans (either on the replies or by making complain thread to mods). However, at the same time they also always deny and justify when other sanjifans do the same thing they ranted about.
- Wanking. There is nothing more frustrating for sanji stan, than when zoro fans are being hyped about zoro. Yet, sanji stan always ends up the loudest when it comes to wanking. They literally would zoom in a manga panel to analyze a sound effect text just to hype sanji.
- Toxicity. Words hurt more than bullets, and this is especially true if you are a sanji fan reading a thread that does not portray sanji/sanjistan in high pedestal. You make that kind of thread, and you just know a furious sanji defender would come and insult you (ironically, a toxic response)