Anime Discussion Why Ex-Arm Is the Worst Anime Of All Time

Is Ex-Arm the worst anime of all time?

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Recently there has been a great renaissance of amazing anime in the past decade. So many great seasons and a bunch of modern classics to boot; Steins gate, Vinland Saga, AOT etc...
It felt like we were living in the best timeline until Crunchyroll, our most beloved anime cooperation felt the need to digs its dirty hands into producing not one, not two, but THREE mediocre (being very generous here) webtoon adaptions.


First, we got TOG, the most overhyped anime in a decade that culminated into being another run of the disappointment.

Alright everyone messes up once, that’s ok just try again. Welp Crunchyroll fumbled the bag with GOH, another lackluster webtoon adaption. This time however, the quality being far inferior to its predecessor.
OK, let’s give them ONE more chance with another webtoon. Surely, they can’t fail three times in a row, right?
Sike BITCH, all criticism goes right through crunchyrolls head as they laugh while their inadequate funded anime studios are forced to cram HUNDREDS of chapters into a 12-episode anime.

Yes, I’m talking about Noblesse, the ugly duckling of the three stooges (webtoons).


Now you would think it’s IMPOSSIBLE to sink any lower at this point, right? Crucnhyroll failed thrice in a row, each adaptation declined heavily in quality from its forerunner.
And good news, their fourth anime is not a webtoon so maybe they’ll treat it, better right?
Just as we thought crunchyroll couldn’t fall any lower, they produced this atrocity. Ex-Arm the worst anime of all time!
Ex-Arm is a new winter 2021 anime animated by Visual Flight and directed by Kimura Yoshikatsu.
This anime is supposedly his “passion” project and if this is the results of your “passion” then sorry dude, but this is TRASH! However, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt because crunchyroll is the core factor in these strings of failures.
When the first trailer aired, it took the internet by storm with its ludicrously horrid quality of “animation”, if you could even call it that...
Just look at these putrid still frames of god awful cgi. Sad excuse of “animation” in horribly choreographed fights; I’ve seen better animation in amateur SFM porn; AND NO, I WILL NOT LINK ANY PORN YOU HORNY WEEBS!
It reminds me of PS2 graphics, but I’ve played many games with better models and animations than this shitty anime.


Unfortunately, I can’t just rant about how shitty the show is without acknowledging that a story ACTUALLY exists in this spawn of satan. And Just know it’s NOT GOOD! So, let’s dive in and see if Ex-Arm has any substance shall we!
Ex-Arm is about a young boy named akira, (but I’m going to call him shithead that what he deserves) waking up in a body of a robot after he seemingly destroyed a city; in a terribly animated CGI still frame that could literally give someone a seizure...
If this is how you’re trying to hook the audience, YOU ALREADY FAILED!
I’m guessing we get a flashback of when he was a human (I’m barely following the plot tbh) spending time with his brother. However, THE BROTHER IS ACTUALLY ANIMATED IN 2D!

What the fuck is point of animating the rest of the characters in god awful CGI, if you’re going to use 2d animation for other characters?
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not good 2D animation; frankly it’s almost as ugly as the CGI but it’s still leagues better than the CGI...
Nevertheless, Shithead attempts to save a girl from thugs, only for Truck-kun to strike again! Too bad Truck-kun couldn’t end the show as well.
Skipping ahead 10 years (2030), we are cursed with the first travesty of horrendous cgi battles.
A “sexy” battle android is disposing of a group of thugs with ease; they try their hardest to make this girl such a badass sexy heroine, only for it to be mocked by millions because of its trash animation and fight chorography...

Next, we get our first example of dreadful transitions. As the android (who I shall refer to as fuckface) and her friend run off to hide, they just ZIP off the screen in 5 milliseconds! No smoothness at all, feels like a middle schoolers first attempt at animating.

Then as fuckface and her pal are rambling about random nonsense, just look at their facial animations. Barely any lip-syncing, and just the same still faces with no sign of emotion. This is terrifying man!

Then when they open the briefcase, we meet Shithead in his robot form. And these fuckers stare into my soul! STOP BACK AWAY PLEASE!

After skipping more boring nonsense about the future we meet a bootleg commissioner gordan and his babyface doofus of a partner. Just look at these dweebs lol!
Moving on, some chick is giving a speech about dangerous weapons and the SCARY mafia. And then we meet gorilla four eyes; In an awful attempt at making this loser seem intimidating, they hex us with one the most unintentionally funniest shit I've ever seen in my LIFE!
Gorilla four eyes is in an awkward pose with a derby face in slow motion, as bullets pass through his hand. Even HE looks like he doesn’t want to be there!

Moving on, were forced to witness another unholy uncomfortable exchange between fuckface and her companion. Like damn girls, show some emotions PLEASE!
However, Kimaru knows the audience needs some EXCITEMENT! Therefore, out of nowhere gorilla four eyes attacks the delinquent duo and were injected with another round of abhorrent animation...
And it somehow gets worse, because they throw one of the most forced transitions I've ever seen at my face! Like this is seriously some 5th grader level directing, hell little Timmy might be able to do a better job!
Finally, after a montage of fuckface getting her ass beat by guerrilla four eyes, she somehow connects with Shitheads soul. And she needs shithead to “get inside of her” to beat this guy; Kimaru couldn't have been any more tongue and cheek with this couldn’t he...
In any other anime I would’ve found this sexy, but I'm on the verge of ripping my eyes from my sockets at this point!
Nevertheless, after they finally take down guerrilla four eyes, we get a generic “you thought you beat me, no I have a hidden trick up my sleeve” from him. And in one of the most awkward scenes of all time, the dimbo friend knocks his out, and Shithead and Fuckface just stare at her soul...
This scene is so fucking awkward, it’s laughably dumb.
AND THAT’S ALL FOLKS! Fuck the rest of the episode, I can’t handle any more of this torture!
If you want to find out what happens next, WATCH IT YOURSELF YOU FUCKING WEEBS!


Crunchyroll has been the laughing stock of the anime community for many years for good reason. For failures back-to-back, each consistently worse than the last!
and at this point it might be just better for them to hang it up. And with my final message, FUCK CRUNCHYROLL!