I've seen people say Zoro's Fight is with Queen.......Im going to go into depth about Why Zoro vs Queen won't happen and why It could never happen.
Before I begin lemme state this, FISHMAN ISLAND AND ARLONG PARK WILL NOT BE REFERENCED. These arcs are very Unique and have very special circumstances, Their out of the norm from what Oda does in the series in terms of Combat. If anyone needs a deeper explanation, comment and I may do a thread on it.
But Anyways Lets Get Started.....
Honestly I could just put an end to this argument by just saying he's not the 2nd strongest guy
Zoro's End of Arc opponents always have an advantage over Zoro in atleast One or a Combination of the Following Categories.
1. Tricky Devil Fruit/Fighting Style, 2. Impenetrable Defense, 3. Agility/ Speed Advantage, or 4. Very Good Blocking/Parrying Ability
Zoro manages to overcome these things by the end of his fight, But these are typically what extend his fights.
He had a Tricky Devil fruit/Fighting Style, Impenetrable Defense, Had Agility advantage but not speed, and Very Good Blocking Ability. He pretty much had all 4...
Which is Why is he to this Day Zoro's greatest Challenge in the Series.
Had the Agility/Speed Advantage and very Good Blocking/parrying Ability because of his rankyakyu and tekkai. This is why he was able to extend his fight with Zoro.
He had good Blocking/Parrying Abilities and a Tricky unorthodox Fighting Style.That allowed him to get quite a few hits on Zoro.
Had Extremely Good Blocking/Parrying Ability, had Agility Too and power.
He had a Tricky Devil Fruit, and was able to extend his fight with Zoro because of this. However unlike the others He only had 1 category, so Zoro didn't really take any damage , I guess you can say it wasn't much of a fight in that sense. But Again it does follow the category trend I mentioned earlier.
If an opponent cant beat Zoro in any of these Qualities , the end result is this......
Which Brings Us To Queen the Plague.
Lets see if Queen fits any of the criteria.
Tricky Devil Fruit/Fighting Style.
Queen is a Brachiosarus Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit eater who can shoot Beams/Guns out of his mouth. This is not a Tricky Devil Fruit or Fighting Style For Zoro.
Queen does not have the speed Advantage....
Doesn't notice Big Mom jumping in his face coming right at him.
Gets Blitzed by an Air Slash from Long distance.......
Now that Zoro has Enma Queen's Ancient Zoan Durability won't matter here, nor will he be able to Block Anything Zoro throws at him.
The Fact is.... Queen does not meat any of the requirements to have an extended altercation with Zoro at this point. He's a close range Zoan fighter slower than Zoro, with no defensive capabilities that will matter against Zoro at this point. His Blades cant parry Zoro's. This is not a character that can be an end of the arc fight for Zoro. Any direct confrontation with Zoro would take Queen out Almost Instantaneously, based on how Queen fights in hi Zoan.
Again Queen has 0 Advantages Remember the requirements.....
Tricky Devil Fruit/Fighting Style, Impenetrable Defense, Agility/ Speed Advantage, or Very Good Blocking/Parrying Ability
Is Every 2nd Commander Getting this treatment ?no....... Its just Queen in particular
For example, Jozu Would probably fare much better against Zoro than Queen.
But Yea , what are your thoughts?
Still think Queen is a Zoro matchup?
Leave Your Thoughts
Before I begin lemme state this, FISHMAN ISLAND AND ARLONG PARK WILL NOT BE REFERENCED. These arcs are very Unique and have very special circumstances, Their out of the norm from what Oda does in the series in terms of Combat. If anyone needs a deeper explanation, comment and I may do a thread on it.
But Anyways Lets Get Started.....
Honestly I could just put an end to this argument by just saying he's not the 2nd strongest guy
Zoro's End of Arc opponents always have an advantage over Zoro in atleast One or a Combination of the Following Categories.
1. Tricky Devil Fruit/Fighting Style, 2. Impenetrable Defense, 3. Agility/ Speed Advantage, or 4. Very Good Blocking/Parrying Ability
Zoro manages to overcome these things by the end of his fight, But these are typically what extend his fights.
He had a Tricky Devil fruit/Fighting Style, Impenetrable Defense, Had Agility advantage but not speed, and Very Good Blocking Ability. He pretty much had all 4...
Which is Why is he to this Day Zoro's greatest Challenge in the Series.

Had the Agility/Speed Advantage and very Good Blocking/parrying Ability because of his rankyakyu and tekkai. This is why he was able to extend his fight with Zoro.

He had good Blocking/Parrying Abilities and a Tricky unorthodox Fighting Style.That allowed him to get quite a few hits on Zoro.

Had Extremely Good Blocking/Parrying Ability, had Agility Too and power.

He had a Tricky Devil Fruit, and was able to extend his fight with Zoro because of this. However unlike the others He only had 1 category, so Zoro didn't really take any damage , I guess you can say it wasn't much of a fight in that sense. But Again it does follow the category trend I mentioned earlier.

If an opponent cant beat Zoro in any of these Qualities , the end result is this......

Which Brings Us To Queen the Plague.
Lets see if Queen fits any of the criteria.
Tricky Devil Fruit/Fighting Style.
Queen is a Brachiosarus Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit eater who can shoot Beams/Guns out of his mouth. This is not a Tricky Devil Fruit or Fighting Style For Zoro.

Queen does not have the speed Advantage....
Doesn't notice Big Mom jumping in his face coming right at him.

Gets Blitzed by an Air Slash from Long distance.......

Now that Zoro has Enma Queen's Ancient Zoan Durability won't matter here, nor will he be able to Block Anything Zoro throws at him.

The Fact is.... Queen does not meat any of the requirements to have an extended altercation with Zoro at this point. He's a close range Zoan fighter slower than Zoro, with no defensive capabilities that will matter against Zoro at this point. His Blades cant parry Zoro's. This is not a character that can be an end of the arc fight for Zoro. Any direct confrontation with Zoro would take Queen out Almost Instantaneously, based on how Queen fights in hi Zoan.
Again Queen has 0 Advantages Remember the requirements.....
Tricky Devil Fruit/Fighting Style, Impenetrable Defense, Agility/ Speed Advantage, or Very Good Blocking/Parrying Ability
Is Every 2nd Commander Getting this treatment ?no....... Its just Queen in particular
For example, Jozu Would probably fare much better against Zoro than Queen.

But Yea , what are your thoughts?
Still think Queen is a Zoro matchup?

Leave Your Thoughts

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