Speculations Will Luffy eat the mother flame?

Journey To The West Reference (all of these shapshots are taken from one episode)
Monkey King = Monkey D. Luffy

The Hindu Mythology
According to Hindu mythology, Hanuman was born with supernormal powers and was very mischievous during his childhood. One day, when he was hungry and looking for food, he saw the Sun just rising on the horizon and mistook it for a ripe mango. He wanted to eat it and used his supernormal powers to take a big leap and soar to grab the sun. Although the sun's heat burnt his face, Hanuman was determined and continued to fly towards the sun. Indra, the Lord of Heaven, feared that the sun might be caught and hit Hanuman with his vajra.

Gorosei Showed Signs of weakness from the mother flame.

Maybe Vegapunk will reveal the Gorosei destroyed Lulusia by using the Mother Flame. Upon hearing it, Luffy will try to destroy the Power Station, however it will destroy the entire island, so the safetest bet is steal MotherFlame and kill York.

Icarus got his wings burned by the Sun because getting too close to The Sun
Will Luffy eat the motherflame in exchange of losing both his wings, Zoro and Sanji?
And will Luffy gain a power up?
I really like the comparison you did here, but do you realize that the Mother Flame is probably an Atom bomb? & in Japanese is "to", so A&Mu is in fact "Atom". Also, the kanji for the power station reads "fusion reactor", so if Luffy eats that... well, in gear 5 he can do anything I guess, but is he immune to the radiation? Maybe Oda will do it if he wants to end the series by killing Luffy, but then again, Joy Boy lived for a full century, did he not?
Lunarian fire seems like need recharge, he doesn't have the flame on his back when fighting Greenbull.
Actually, that's the anime's take on how it works. In the manga we only know that King's fire is off when he speeds, when he lost conciousness and when he was already tied up by Greenbull. The actual fight was offscreened in the manga. The anime could be correct, but it did make mistakes in the past in some fillers, so it's a probable speculation but not a fact.
It'd make for an in-character solution to the problem.
"What do we do with this dangerous resource everybody wants and will kill for?"
*Luffy grabs it in G5, shoves it down his throat*
"There. Nothing to worry about anymore."

But would that problem really arise? It's not like they haven't already decided to leave an Ancient Weapon behind because Luffy didn't care for it. If they think someone else can protect the flame (Revos/Bonney + PXs/Vegas), then they'll just leave it behind.
I really like the comparison you did here, but do you realize that the Mother Flame is probably an Atom bomb? & in Japanese is "to", so A&Mu is in fact "Atom". Also, the kanji for the power station reads "fusion reactor", so if Luffy eats that... well, in gear 5 he can do anything I guess, but is he immune to the radiation? Maybe Oda will do it if he wants to end the series by killing Luffy, but then again, Joy Boy lived for a full century, did he not?
The structure holding the mother flame doesn't look like moveable. I assume that is not the weapon the Gorosei mentioned because they refer the weapon as Mother Flame. It would make sense if it is the power station or simply a place to produce Mother Flame said in the chapter.
I think it will cause negative effects on Luffy based on Hanuman getting hurt for getting too close to it.
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Actually, that's the anime's take on how it works. In the manga we only know that King's fire is off when he speeds, when he lost conciousness and when he was already tied up by Greenbull. The actual fight was offscreened in the manga. The anime could be correct, but it did make mistakes in the past in some fillers, so it's a probable speculation but not a fact.
I know the anime does make mistakes, I didn't include in my speculation because I'm a bit skeptical. But the manga also didn't show the flame. The question is could Greenbull pierce King if he has flame on...I don't think we will get the answer.
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It'd make for an in-character solution to the problem.
"What do we do with this dangerous resource everybody wants and will kill for?"
*Luffy grabs it in G5, shoves it down his throat*
"There. Nothing to worry about anymore."

But would that problem really arise? It's not like they haven't already decided to leave an Ancient Weapon behind because Luffy didn't care for it. If they think someone else can protect the flame (Revos/Bonney + PXs/Vegas), then they'll just leave it behind.
I don't know... seems unlikely as there are probably 15 chapters left before Elbaf. Too many things to fit in.
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I don't know... seems unlikely as there are probably 15 chapters left before Elbaf. Too many things to fit in.
Page-count is hardly the issue here. Oda can always resolve the PX-Kuma-Bonney-Mother Flame plotline in a three-panel flashback as the SHs are on their way to Elbaf, showing a smiling Bonney tell Nika that she'll do her best to protect the weapon alongside her father and her father's clones. It's not unprecedented for Oda to skip ahead and only use a couple of panels for a half-assed explanation, a la leaving Wano without saying goodbye to Kinemon, Momo, and dog-chick.