Powers & Abilities Will Usopp ever get a gun to replace his shitty slingshot?

So that he can stop being such a useless burden, cheap comic relief and actually evolve to being a sniper instead of being a knock-off glorified farmer?

Why can't he use a good gun with a scope on it and Seastone bullets and maybe mix some Haki as well to generate some proper offensive power and actually be useful? How tf is Oda expecting him to face off against Auger or one of the Admirals with a fucking slingshot? We're almost 1100 chapters in and he still uses a weapon that literal children would use to pretend they're snipers.

It's even more embarrassing than usual because he's supposed to be part of the PK crew and one of the OG five founding members, yet he's incredibly inferior to all of them. Zoro has three OP legendary swords, Sanji has his raid suit and Nami has Zeus, but Usopp still uses a slingshot?

Inb4 "His slingshot is better than a gun because most relevant characters can dodge bullets already and he won't have access to his shitty plants with a gun". I see that retarded argument on Reddit all the time and it just doesn't make sense to me. If that's the case then why don't Auger, Benn Beckman and Yasopp use slingshots as well? Are YCs fodder now because they use guns? It just doesn't make any sense and clearly guns can be used in a way that makes their users OP or else those guys wouldn't be using them
I'd prefer him using a different type of ammo with the slingshot, instead of going for a gun.

These plants are ass. Basically anything the plot calls for exists in seed form in Usopp's bag.

"Oh look, this is the Wolf Head Bush. Wolves' heads grow out of these seeds and attack my enemies"

"And this is the Dinosaur Prison Bamboo. When facing Dinosaurs, I can imprison them with this handy bamboo. It doesn't work on any other type of animal I faced beforehand though!"

Just give us dials, hammers, exploding stars etc. That was when Usopp was creative.
While lacking now, eventually his Observation Haki should be meant to compensate for his lack of a gun.
Best power up he can get is letting his sling eat a Devil Fruit. Or bring out more powerful dials. Usopp should be able to use powered up Reject Dials at this point.