Versus Battle WorstGen’s Second Annual (???) Great General’s Tournament: Bracket Round 1

Who Wins?

  • Total voters

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Hello all!

So back in 2019/2020ish I tried to do a version of this tournament that we actually never finished. So let’s do it right this time since we actually have enough Great Generals to do a bunch of even matches.

So welcome to the second annual (???) WorstGen Great General’s tournament! Let’s do it right this time.

The rules:
-The rules are simple, vote for whoever you think would win the scenario presented. We will try to do more scenarios than just straight 1v1 army battles to keep it interesting.

-Winners will be determined by poll vote, so make sure to vote and convince everyone that yours is the one true agenda!

-I will try to do as much as I can to keep these tournament scenarios interesting, but definitely let me know if you guys have any cool ideas.

-You are allowed to use historical spoilers in discussions, but spoiler tag them and people don’t have to read them if they don’t want to.

I used a tournament maker app to keep the opening brackets random, but for some reason Duke Hyou and Yotanwa got immediate advantages. I do not know why this is but far be it from me to quibble about my own parameters. Here are the brackets:

So let’s do this!


Make sure to read each commander’s subs and armies!

The Bracket round is a straightforward army vs army battle on flat terrain.


-He has his prime Ten Heroes
-100K men


Earl Shi Ei

-Since he has no known subs, we will give him 150k men and let’s say 50 Wei War Chariots to keep this interesting.

Who wins and why?

Tell me if you want to be added to the tag list.

@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @MarineHQ @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @RayanOO @Rumble @Greenbeard @Dark Admiral @Jailer @Peroroncino @Monet @Topi Jerami @Shanks @Cichy
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Earl Shi could beat Gyou'un and Chou Ga Ryuu together.

Under the right circumstances, he could beat Rin Shou Jo w/ just CGR or a number of his other 8 generals.

Under no circumstances do I see Earl Shi winning against RSJ and any combination involving Gyou'un.


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
I like this. Seems fun.

Despite repping the Earl, I would go with Rinshoujou.

His portrayal, despite his short amount of screentime is outstanding. Seems like he and Hakuki were the premier strategists of the era, and having 10 generals under his command indicates that his leadership skills must have been outstanding.

Earl got some neat tactical hype but nothing compared to what RSJ has. Let's say that Earl slays a few of the 10 Heroes but loses.

This is how i scale them and I'll update it for every match.

Zhao Heavens/Peak General: Rinshoujou.
Qin 6/Mid Top Tier
Wei Fire Dragons/Low Top Tier: Earl Shi
Heavenly King:
Rinshoujo can beat this suicidal maniac with not much difficulty. Also GyoUn is the same monster who represented the Zhao’s martial might so he can devastate Wei army together with his ten spears.
If an inexperienced Kyoukai and Shin could find a way to deal with war chariots, I’m pretty sure Strategist like Chogaryu can come with some counter measure too. As for the number disadvantages, 50k it could create a bit problem but with extra Generals like Chogaryu and 8 more to lead an army it won’t be much trouble in long run.
We’ve recently seen that even a flank from 20k can be ignored if we’re on the proper leadership lol.
I feel like all of the Fire Dragons should have had mutiple powerful subs under them (Not just Ranbihaku and Jun Sou). Earl Shi was probably no exception, but unfortunately they wouldn't have served a purpose in that arc to justify their inclusion. Oh well.

The lack of subs is a huge detriment for the master spearman but the 50k additional soldiers plus 50k war chariots definitely closes the gap in army strength.

However, unfortunately I will still place my bets on RSJ. I think an army comprised of one of the greatest masterminds in the series with the full support of another military genius and an instinctual monster is a combination of immense magnitudes. Nevermind the fact that there are 8 other generals with unknown ability.

Strength in numbers is good and all, but the talents within those numbers is even moreso. Quality over Quantity.

High-Extreme diff win for Rinshoujou.
renshojo low diff easily. nah this is just disrespectful to renshojo to be leader in thia battle . let gyou and chgoa lead and they will win mid diff.

renshojo stand at the stop of mighty Zhao. some wei wild animals are nothing.

sorry but wei either in manga or history its weak country with weak generals.

only one or 2 stand out from wei.
RSJ takes this
@Elder Lee Hung if the tournament is to find the best general then what's the point of giving these advantages to the clear inferior?
I think it's better if they have almost the same numbers and get their own armies and subs so the superior general takes the win.
Tou vs Heki but Tou has 10 men and Heki has 10k
What have we proven?
Maybe Wei generals getting the war chariots and seige weapons make sense but i don't like giving people superior numbers unless it makes sense like a Chu general for example.
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RSJ takes it.

RSJ leading himself here along his full army and than there's Gyou'un along with ten spears and than there would definitely be other notorious formations or groups for other 9 generals as well. So i doubt if Earl Shi could even put above high diff fight against RSJ army.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@Elder Lee Hung if the tournament is to find the best general then what's the point of giving these advantages to the clear inferior?
Because it’s more fun this way. Lol

Everyone can pretty clearly say they roughly know who will win this tournament, so we have to shake things up and make it more interesting. Lol
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It pains me to vote against my favorite Wei commander but a full power Rinshoujou is just too much for him. Those Wei chariots and extra men I think would only matter against commanders who don’t possess the foresight to predict when and where Shi Ei will use them which is certainly not Rinshoujou.

High diff ish.
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Earl Shi's youth is also overlooked.

Dude was thrown to the wolves his entire youth and he became a GG in his early to mid 20s.

I consider him in the same tier of Yo Tan Wa, Kan Ki, Kyou - basically older talent equivalents of the Q3.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Real shit, RSJ vs Earl Shi with 100k each is 50/50 for me.

30k vs 30k? Rinshoujou gets eaten alive within minutes.

I honestly think it's a toss up between Gokei or Earl Shi for the most impressive of the bunch.
We may do a run back but honestly I don’t think many will change their votes. We’ll see how much attention this gets.