Versus Battle WorstGen’s Second Annual (???) Great General’s Tournament: Bracket Round 13

Who wins?

  • Total voters

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Alright guys, I am posting the last two bracket rounds tonight so we can get these out of the way. I can already tell from the winners rounds things will be much more competitive and I will slow the pace of rounds so we can discuss for some of the more heated rounds. So let’s wrap up brackets.

The rules:
-The rules are simple, vote for whoever you think would win the scenario presented. We will try to do more scenarios than just straight 1v1 army battles to keep it interesting.

-Winners will be determined by poll vote, so make sure to vote and convince everyone that yours is the one true agenda!

-I will try to do as much as I can to keep these tournament scenarios interesting, but definitely let me know if you guys have any cool ideas.

-You are allowed to use historical spoilers in discussions, but spoiler tag them and people don’t have to read them if they don’t want to.

I used a tournament maker app to keep the opening brackets random, but for some reason Duke Hyou and Yotanwa got immediate advantages. I do not know why this is but far be it from me to quibble about my own parameters. Here are the brackets:


Make sure to read each commander’s subs and armies!

The Bracket round is a straightforward army vs army battle on flat terrain.


-100k if his bandits



-100k Chu troops

Who wins and why?
@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @MarineHQ @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @RayanOO @Rumble @Greenbeard @Dark Admiral @Jailer @Peroroncino @Monet @Topi Jerami @Shanks @Cichy @Bullet @mmd
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𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
-10k. Lol

Getting rid of subs really hurt Kanki in bracket. With subs this would be much more competitive.
Meh subs wouldn't change much here imo. Kanki's subs are mid and don't do well in this terrain. Zenou would deal some damage but ..

I thought it was 5k. Kanmei headquarters had 10k and 5k were the giants.
If Kanki can't switch the battlefield than Kanki is done here. But if he could than Kanmei gets shredded by Kanki's weird schemes. Lol

It's an extreme diff battle both way but believes Kanki can definitely switch battlefield. He definitely would have some ways for open fields battle as well otherwise he can't become a 6GG.
In a scenario like this one, a battle on flat terrain (that is restricted), Kanki is inevitably gonna be in huge trouble against whoever Great General he goes up against. The reason being that he didn't grow up learning military strategy, he had a completely different upbringing from the others. His bandit style warfare won't help him here.

Kanmei wins.


Lazy is the way
Yeah difficult one

the conditions make it quite difficult for Kanki

But given how bullshit Hara made him he can likely pull something out of his sassy ass

Like the cross or something like that

but yeah I understand the Kanmei vote, slaying would be a nightmare
On a flat open plain with no terrain to work with and no strong subordinate, this is a horrible matchup for Kanki.

Kanki's strategies revolve around going straight for the opposing General. He will tolerate horrific casualties for this singular goal. The problem here is that Kanmei is a Top 5 duelist and Kanki has nothing to kill him with.

Not to mention that Kanki's tricks usually need some kind of rough terrain to work. A plain open field only benefits the straightforwardness of the Kanmei Army.

Kanmei is also a much better troop motivator than Kanki is. Kanki's Bandits are fickle fair weather troops by comparison.

Best that Kanki can do in this scenario is buy time with the lives of his troops and personally escape the battlefield.

Kanmei wins, mid diff victory.
Kanki isn't stupid to target kanmei.
One look at kanmei and he will know that kanmei isn't someone you simply walk into his HQ and took his head so 100% he will not try his heroic acts and act more serious.
We already see that kanki can handle kaishibou without a problem just by guerilla warfare.
Against kanmei he will just do some of his bullshit weird tactics(like the one he used against ri boku in gian) to target kanmei's soldiers.
He can neutralise Kanmei and his elite for sometime by throwing the combination of zenou clan+shuma clan at him and this will buy him sometime.
By the moment kanki secure a big numerical advantage,he can move against kanmei with big numbers and try then to kill him using the power of numbers.
I don't think it's one-sided since every opponent Kanki's been up against has (to varying degrees) fallen for his guerilla methods, Kanki's best shot would be to devise a sort of 'death trap' like he did with Keisha where the Zenou clan would launch an attack on Kanmei. However, I don't think Zenou could defeat Kanmei, he could probably put up a good fight but not actually defeat him, and with the Zenou clan being taken out Kanki's trump card is gone.