Future Events ZKK and Luffy

Do you concede to the ZKK truth now?

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Some people oppose the premise for ZKK because they think it collides with what luffy does as main character of this series. However, ZKK actually benefits luffy.

The story in one piece is getting wrapped up, and we are about to see the long awaited reunion between luffy and shanks. This is what luffy said back at the first chapter.

Pay attention to how luffy stated the promise is for his crews to be stronger than shank's. Therefore, the strawhat crew needs to do something beyond what red haired pirates can do. And this is where ZKK plays its role.

Zoro killing the world strongest creature is the indisputable moment where the strawhat crew is shown to be better than even the pirate emperor crews, red haired pirate. Ergo, ZKK is an important milestone for luffy too.


Some people oppose the premise for ZKK because they think it collides with what luffy does as main character of this series. However, ZKK actually benefits luffy.

The story in one piece is getting wrapped up, and we are about to see the long awaited reunion between luffy and shanks. This is what luffy said back at the first chapter.

Pay attention to how luffy stated the promise is for his crews to be stronger than shank's. Therefore, the strawhat crew needs to do something beyond what red haired pirates can do. And this is where ZKK plays its role.

Zoro killing the world strongest creature is the indisputable moment where the strawhat crew is shown to be better than even the pirate emperor crews, red haired pirate. Ergo, ZKK is an important milestone for luffy too.


This is what many people overlook when it comes to ZKK. Great point, mate.:myman:


Zoro Worshipper
#ZKK Lives

In relation to several claims of Zoro disobeying to Luffy's orders; let me say two things:

- First of all, what happened was situational. Luffy shouting "I've got this" is merely in that Zoro was off for that moment, he never orders him to stay down or infers to solo Kaido.

- Second, if his captain was endangered, Zoro would factually attempt to save him:

Luffy have Best Cook, Best Doctor, Best Shipwright, Best Navigator, Best Historian ... etc
But when it comes to Best Fighter, People start becoming Blind & Deaf

If Oda didn't want Zoro to become Greatest Fighter Luffy ever Dream of, he would have given him a Role in the Crew
Oda could have made Zoro the Shipwright or Navigator or Historian or Helmsman ... etc
After all, all Straw Hats can Fight regardless of their Role on the Crew

But nope, Oda made Zoro Exclusively Specialized in Fighting & Dumb to do anything else
That's because Luffy Recruited the Best Fighter in the World
Accept it now before later