Le Fishe Thread Zoro beat the racist allegations


As you can see here "cursed swords" we now know are just very powerful swords with a will of their own. Either way they can manipulate their owners into taking lives through works of fate.

This also ties into the concept of nothing being a coincidence in one piece. Essentially Wado Ichimonji is a racist blade and through tragic quirks of fate makes sure Zoro's opponents happen to be dark skinned

This white blade has an agenda of it's own. Zoro can't help but adapt to situations that are entirely out of his control.

Wado incited Kuina to trip down the stairs. Because it knew she wasn't the right candidate for it's will.

Wado knows Zoro can eventually turn it into a "Black" blade, and so eventually gain a pass, to what exactly I'll leave that to your imagination.

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