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Side note, for theories.. Instead of insulting the theorist by calling them stupid or idiot. Can people just disagree and say their dislikes of the content alone? A lot of time, effort, and research goes into writing theories and typically they're not a troll but something the theorist found interesting and wanted to share with others....
Destroyed my mood for the week. Then people wonder why some Sanji fans want nothing to do with Zoro or provide anything to the fandom for him.
No point in giving it too much thought. Its the internet, you cant really control it. There will be trolls, toxic buds and all sort of users. No need to have your mood spoiled due to some stranger's comments.
Just ignore the haters and write what you enjoy writing. There‘s always gonna be people who disagree or hate on somebody else‘s content. What matters is what you like and enjoy and if you‘re proud of a theory be proud of it and hold your head high. Most of those buffoons who hate on content couldn’t even craft something like that themselves.
Just throwing that in. There might be a slight chance to see Crocodile face Luffy before Alabasta or at the very beginning of the arc in the OPLA
The idea is that Oda's narrative strategy to write fights mainly involves two rounds:
- First Round where Luffy and the readers don't have all the necessary emotional will and momantum to get a win, this round ends in Luffy being defeated.
- Last round where Luffy and the readers have all the necessary emotional points and momantum to completely defeat the antagonist
It happens in most fight and this technique really started to shine against Crocodile.

The OPLA understood that and made Arlong defeat Luffy before Arlong Park. Which created a nice impact and a conflicting moment in the sixth episode.
The problem is that the OPLA will only have 8 episodes and Alabasta will most likely happen in the final 2 or 3. So the defeat that we have against Crocodile arrives a bit late for an adaptation.

To counter that, the writers might create a face off between Luffy and Crocodile and a defeat in the very beginning of the arc or even before if we are crazy. This will help create more expectation for the final face off.
Dear zzShinichi

We have yet to hear back from you, are you okay? We would love to have you on board, don't let this opportunity to become a family member go to waste!