New profile posts

One interesting thing about the Giants of Norse mythology is, despite what more modern portrayals have them as huge, lumbering brutes, they could come in all shapes and sizes, and many were expert shapeshifters and illusionists.

In some regards, they have more similarity to the Celtic Sidhe then the Greek Gigantes.
Who says 8h of sleep is enough?
Why not 9?
Why not 10?
Aim for greatness!
I believe in you!
It's almost 2025 and we still can't use smiley's in profile messages here... இ௰இ
When you realize evil religious people love the nuclear family because it isolates women and makes them the equivalent of sex slaves in religious societies.
@CoC: Color of Clowns the Spanish and Portuguese mixed with the native population. Racist British killed them all off.
CoC: Color of Clowns
CoC: Color of Clowns
@NAMELESS Interesting, do you have a detailed source for this? I don't trust the British for shit, country's been run by incestuous child-breakers for so many damn centuries.

Spain and Portugal being good guys and being framed by Britain is a conspiracy I've literally never heard of before, where should I look to research this?
Dude, just look up the Demographics of Latin America and study history from non-english sources. Latin America is moslty a mix of europpean-native-african dna. The Spanish and Portuguese pretty much bred a new race. The british defamed the spanish. The Spanish Inquisition definitely NEVER killed MILLIONS of people like they claim it has.
As far as Drake’s thoughts on Garp and his imprisonment go, I can’t help but wonder if Drake feels responsible to some degree for the fate that befell his superior ( who is incredibly close to Sengoku, his Father Figure ) due to being Koby’s superior. Like, even though it was Garp’s choice to help rescue Koby, Koby is apart of his team, same with Grus and co even with being grateful for Garp ultimately succeeding.
I hope we get some answers on Drake soon in the coming chapters about how he got off Onigashima and his thoughts on the situation with Koby’s capture, Kuzan vs Garp on the account of Koby, Garp’s capture (and marines general thoughts too on this), and VP’s message.