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What could have been...
Wait if its between those two and Reborn, give it to him.

He's 100% confirmed and super useful.
i gave reborn a reup, im not sure which ability it will go to

as for light and lanji i can only do next cycle.

my ability can either gives a reup or fix a broken/lost ability. does not work on some abilities but idk what these r

hoping it works on reborn's revive at the very least


What could have been...
How am I no way in hell confirmed when I killed both purple and red?
wow well i did the same then!!!

if it was that easy to confirm ppl im town to core then

and u didnt kill red yet, u didnt have any strong suspections to lind or AL, AL got shot and lind literally said he is scum

anyone can bus that for cred

so no ur not confirmed
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