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I will never forgive Oda
negated an ultra role crush and decided to die instead

then ofc the whole stuff on ali prob means she's trying to say he sold out their game cause he got himself modkilled.
She didn't get mod killed, She just defied an unstoppable kill topped with an unstoppable role crush. And as such the mods decided to ultra kill her
How'd she defy an unstoppable kill with an unstoppable role crush? I don't understand how that means she has to die?


Ghost Princess
This @everyone.
Weeb Health Organization is now raising awareness for covid on the island of Sabaody Archipelago. They are requesting 5volunteers who will be trained in the proper ways of sanitizing and keeping the city safe from the Rona. You will be tasked to carry out an awareness act and will be provided with proper equipment and resistances to fight covid if you do not already have it on your system. All Volunteers will first get tested for postivie/negative.

Together, we will make Sabaody Great Again! If you wish to volunteer for this movement to cleanse the virus, type "I volunteer" in the thread, and your efforts will be noted! :feelsokeman:


The Clash Of Titans -

Satoru Gojo activated [Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void] on [???]

Miyamoto Musashi activated [Secret Technique] to super-kill [???] but failed

[Judgment Chain] was triggered, super-killing @jinri [Miyamoto Musashi]

“The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them”
You are Miyamoto Musashi!

[Passive - Kensei] - Thanks to his legendary skills in swordsmanship, Musashi has been given the title of Sword Saint. He has a voting power of three.

[Passive - Dokkōdo] - This book expresses the stringent, honest, and ascetic view of life that Musashi has. As long as he adheres to these laws at all times, Miyamoto is immune to all actions targeting him except super-kills.
--- [Accept everything just the way it is] - He may not complain about anything in the thread or his role PM.
--- [Do not seek pleasure for its own sake] - No participating in thread events, nor visiting special map locations.
--- [Do not, under any circumstances, depend on a partial feeling] - Musashi must never act confused by anything in the game thread.
--- [Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world] - Be humble. Musashi must never brag about his role nor his actions.
--- [Do not regret what you have done] - Musashi must never show regret for the death of a player he has lynched, or his faction has killed.
--- [Never be jealous] - He may not show any sign of jealousy or envy for another player's role, abilities or alignment.
--- [Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love] - Musashi must never vote for another player if he was specifically asked to do so. He is immune to charms.
--- [In all things have no preferences] - Musashi must vote for at least 5 different players in a day phase.
--- [Be indifferent to where you live] - Musashi must never spent 2 cycles in a row in the same groove.
--- [Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need] - Musashi must discard any item he possesses within 1 cycle of gaining.
--- [Do not act following customary beliefs] - He must post once each night phase, even if it's against the rules.
--- [Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful] - He must not perform the factional kill twice in a row.
--- [Do not fear death] - Musashi must never ask for protection.
--- [Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help] - Musashi must each cycle thank the hosts for hosting this game.
--- [Never stray from the Way] - Never stray from the way...[Redacted]

[Active - Niten Ichi-ryū] - Conceived by Musashi, this classical japanese swordmanship style is renowned for its dual wielding techniques. Each cycle, Musashi may target two players to role-block. If he targets the same player twice, this will role-crush them for that phase.
--- [Two Blades as One] - Wielding a katana on the offensive right hand while the Wakizashi on the defensive left hand, if Musashi performs the factional kill he will kill anyone that targets him with a negative action that night.
--- [Booken] - Musashi often carves and carries wooden swords to deal less damage. Each cycle, he may target two players and disable one of their abilities for that cycle.
--- [Secret Technique] - Day 3 or later, Musashi may perform a factional kill on an additional target. [1-shot]

[Active - Musha shugyō] - In his quest as a Samurai Warrior, Musashi must target a player and challenge them to a duel each phase. Both player must submit 5 R/P/S picks. At the start of the game, if Musashi wins a duel, he steals the vote of his target and learn their full role. If he loses, he is vote drained and may not challenge anyone to a duel the following phase. The more duel he wins, the stronger he becomes. After winning his first 2 duels, Musashi will also role-block his target as well as learnung their full role and steal their vote. After winning 4 duels, he will role-crush them instead. After winning 6 duels, he will have completed his Pilgrimage and will turn his defeated targets into permanent disciples. He has access to a chat with his disciples, and control their role in their first cycle as new disciples. At the end of his Pilgrimage, factional kills performed by him are upgraded to super-kills.

[Active - Koryu] - Intending to pass his art to others, Musashi created an ancient martial art school to find worthy disciples. Each phase, he may target a player and take them as his disciple. This will initiate a duel between him and his target that follows the same rules as [Musha shugyō]. If he wins, they will become his disciple and gain a chat with him for a cycle. At the end of the cycle, his target may continue on as his disciple or leave. If they choose to continue, they will become his disciple permanently. Musashi controls the votes and actions of his disciples. Musashi may order any player that has been his permanent disciple for 3 cycles or more to attack a player of his choice even if they don't have a killing ability.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to The Guardians Mafia
[Two Blades As One] was triggered, killing @MangoSenpai [Kurapika]

"I do not fear death. I fear only that my rage will fade over time."
You are Kurapika!

[Passive - Phantom Troupe] - After infiltrating the Weebs journey, the Troupe has made its way into Sabaody. At the start of D1, eight players in the game will be marked as [Spiders]. Each of them will receive a slight buff to their role, and learn that you've began hunting them down. They're the target of your revenge, and must be eliminated at all costs.
--- [Nen Contract] - As proof of his determination and to achieve his goal, Kurapika has placed a Nen Contract on himself which gives him a boost in powers but subsequently restricts him. He may not use his [Chain Jail] or [Judgment Chain] on non troupe members. If he does, he will die.

[Passive - Master Strategist] - Kurapika can formulate flawless plans even in combat to exploit his opponent's weaknesses to the fullest and to minimize the risks to himself. He can't afford to die before having finished his revenge. Kurapika evades the first action targeting him each phase.

[Conditional Passive - Scarlet Eyes] - As the last remnant of his clan that was wiped out for these eyes, Kurapika is fueled with an insatiable rage. Any time a vote is placed against Kurapika, his eyes glow scarlet red until they change their vote. If at least one player ends the day voting for him, his eys will remain red during the night phase. Alternatively, any time he finds a Troupe member or one of them dies, his eye will glow red for the following cycle. With his eyes glowing Red, Kurapika's abilities are enhanced.
--- [Specialist] - When his eyes shifts to scarlet, Kurapika becomes a specialist which allows him to use all Nen categories at 100% efficiency. In this state, Kurapika is bulletproof and immune to Role-Crushes as well as any kind of debuffs. He will survive a super-kill targeting him, however it'll force him out of this state immediately, and role-crush him for the remainder of the cycle.

[Active - The Chain User] - As a Conjurer, Kurapika is able to create any object that he wants after receiving the proper training. His chosen object is a chain. One might not believe that chains amount to much, but under his Scarlet Eyes, they are a devastating tool to go up against.
--- [Dowsing Chain] - Shaped like a ball and chain, Kurapika uses this for investigation purposes. Each phase, he may target a player and learn if they're a Phantom Troupe member, or have previously interacted with one during the last cycles.
--- [Chain Jail] - With a hook at the end, this chain restrains any person it encounters, wrapping them up like a blanket. At night, use this on any player that you wish, that player will be role crushed for 2 cycles. It is nigh-impossible to get out of this chain. However, there are some roles that do have that power and cannot be chain jailed.
--- [Holy Chain] - Having a cross at the end of it, this chain is used to heal back injuries. Each cycle, Kurapika may target a player to protect them for that phase. They will be protected against regular attacks. He may self-target.
--- [Judgment Chain] - The ultimate chain that you own, it is a Stake of Retribution. With a blade at the end, this chain wraps around the heart of your target. There are two commands that you can issue to your target with this chain. Your target will be unable to disobey those commands. If they do, they will die. This is a an unstoppable kill. This may only be used when his eyes are glowing Red.
--- [Steal Chain] - With the shape of a syringe, this chain steals the abilities of another person. Each phase, Kurapika can target a player and name an effect or an ability name they may have. If the player has that ability, Kurapika will temporarily steal it and may use it.
--- [Emperor Time] - After Kurapika's eyes shift into scarlet, he will upgrade all the above abilities will. [Dowsing Chain] will give him the names of the players his target interacted with. [Chain Jail] will not fail on anybody. [Holy Chain] can protect against super-kills. [Steal Chain] will only require the role name of his target.

Wincon - You must eliminate at least 4 Phantom Troupe members using your own hands.​
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