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제목 "사황 V.S. 신세대"내용이 다 전투라서..

저번에도 일일이 묘사하는 거 안 했고그냥 기술 위주로 적겠음..

* 카이도 "괴풍" (칼바람 기술 이름) 조로가 엔마로 쳐냄

* 루피 "고무고무 콩 라이플"
(그린 그림. 비늘은 저렇게 그렸지만 촘촘한 거 다들 알 듯.)

키드 "슬럼 깁슨"

로 "감마 나이프"
킬러 "카마아 소닉"
이렇게 카이도에게 공격

* 빅맘 "인드라" (번개 공격) to 킬러

* 루피 "리노 슈나이더" to 카이도

* 카이도 "보로브레스" to 루피. 조로가 "화염 베기"로 제거.

* 루피 "일도류 비룡 화염" to 카이도

* 카이도 "왜 저 검에서 오뎅의 기척이 느껴지는가?"

* 빅맘 전방위 번개 공격 (기술 이름 있음. 일부러 뺌)

* 빅맘 "밀짚모자 왜 넌 번개가 안 통하냐?"
루피 "고무라서!!"

* 카이도 "보로브레스" to 루피
카이도 "불꽃도 안 통하는 건가?"
루피 "근성"!!! "고무고무 콩 개틀링"

다음 호 휴재 없음
:whitepress:. This is nothing what I was expecting with thise hints
제목 "사황 V.S. 신세대"내용이 다 전투라서..

저번에도 일일이 묘사하는 거 안 했고그냥 기술 위주로 적겠음..

* 카이도 "괴풍" (칼바람 기술 이름) 조로가 엔마로 쳐냄

* 루피 "고무고무 콩 라이플"
(그린 그림. 비늘은 저렇게 그렸지만 촘촘한 거 다들 알 듯.)

키드 "슬럼 깁슨"

로 "감마 나이프"
킬러 "카마아 소닉"
이렇게 카이도에게 공격

* 빅맘 "인드라" (번개 공격) to 킬러

* 루피 "리노 슈나이더" to 카이도

* 카이도 "보로브레스" to 루피. 조로가 "화염 베기"로 제거.

* 루피 "일도류 비룡 화염" to 카이도

* 카이도 "왜 저 검에서 오뎅의 기척이 느껴지는가?"

* 빅맘 전방위 번개 공격 (기술 이름 있음. 일부러 뺌)

* 빅맘 "밀짚모자 왜 넌 번개가 안 통하냐?"
루피 "고무라서!!"

* 카이도 "보로브레스" to 루피
카이도 "불꽃도 안 통하는 건가?"
루피 "근성"!!! "고무고무 콩 개틀링"

다음 호 휴재 없음
The title "Sahwang V.S. New Generation" is all battles..

I didn’t describe it one by one last time, and I’ll just write it around technology..

* Kaido "Kaifu" (Swordwind skill name) Zorro defeated with Enma

* Luffy "Rubber Rubber Bean Rifle"
(The picture I drew. I drew the scales like that, but everyone knows that it is fine.)

Kid "Slum Gibson"

As "gamma knife"
Killer "Kamaa Sonic"
Attack Kaido like this

* Big Mom "Indra" (Lightning Attack) to Killer

* Luffy "Reno Schneider" to Kaido

* Kaido "Borovres" to Luffy. Zorro removed with "Fire Slash".

* Luffy "Fire of the Drake" to Kaido

* Kaido "Why do you feel the oden in that sword?"

* Big mom omnidirectional lightning attack (Technology name exists. Deliberately removed)

* Big Mom "Straw Hat Why can't you have lightning?"
Luffy "Because it's rubber!!"

* Kaido "Borovres" to Luffy
Kaido "Isn't the flame working?"
Luffy "Guts"!!! "Rubber rubber bean gatling"

No next issue
The title "Sahwang V.S. New Generation" is all battles..

I didn’t describe it one by one last time, and I’ll just write it around technology..

* Kaido "Kaifu" (Swordwind skill name) Zorro defeated with Enma

* Luffy "Rubber Rubber Bean Rifle"
(The picture I drew. I drew the scales like that, but everyone knows that it is fine.)

Kid "Slum Gibson"

As "gamma knife"
Killer "Kamaa Sonic"
Attack Kaido like this

* Big Mom "Indra" (Lightning Attack) to Killer

* Luffy "Reno Schneider" to Kaido

* Kaido "Borovres" to Luffy. Zorro removed with "Fire Slash".

* Luffy "Fire of the Drake" to Kaido

* Kaido "Why do you feel the oden in that sword?"

* Big mom omnidirectional lightning attack (Technology name exists. Deliberately removed)

* Big Mom "Straw Hat Why can't you have lightning?"
Luffy "Because it's rubber!!"

* Kaido "Borovres" to Luffy
Kaido "Isn't the flame working?"
Luffy "Guts"!!! "Rubber rubber bean gatling"

No next issue
A break??


제목 "사황 V.S. 신세대"내용이 다 전투라서..

저번에도 일일이 묘사하는 거 안 했고그냥 기술 위주로 적겠음..

* 카이도 "괴풍" (칼바람 기술 이름) 조로가 엔마로 쳐냄

* 루피 "고무고무 콩 라이플"
(그린 그림. 비늘은 저렇게 그렸지만 촘촘한 거 다들 알 듯.)

키드 "슬럼 깁슨"

로 "감마 나이프"
킬러 "카마아 소닉"
이렇게 카이도에게 공격

* 빅맘 "인드라" (번개 공격) to 킬러

* 루피 "리노 슈나이더" to 카이도

* 카이도 "보로브레스" to 루피. 조로가 "화염 베기"로 제거.

* 루피 "일도류 비룡 화염" to 카이도

* 카이도 "왜 저 검에서 오뎅의 기척이 느껴지는가?"

* 빅맘 전방위 번개 공격 (기술 이름 있음. 일부러 뺌)

* 빅맘 "밀짚모자 왜 넌 번개가 안 통하냐?"
루피 "고무라서!!"

* 카이도 "보로브레스" to 루피
카이도 "불꽃도 안 통하는 건가?"
루피 "근성"!!! "고무고무 콩 개틀링"

다음 호 휴재 없음
Law used Ganma knife
Luffy used gear riffle attack and Rhjjo scheinder
Zoro used a new attack... Same with Killer
Kidd used slam Gibson

BM set everyone on lightning...they blown
Kaido odes boro breath
Kaido sees Oden in enma


That's what I understood

Title "sahwang VS New Generation"

because the content is battle ...
was not going to last even having to describe just technology oriented geteum ever ..

* Hokkaido "goepung" Maro Zorro (kalbaram technical name) chyeonaem yen

* Rs "Rubber beans Rifle "
(Image. Scales are bothersome.. everyone knows that it's fine.)
Kid "Slum Gibson"
with "Gamma Knife"
Killer " Kamaa Sonic"
Attacks Kaido like this

* Big Mom "Indra" (Lightning Attack) to Killer

* Luffy" Reno Schneider" to Kaido

* Kaido "Borovres" to Luffy. Zorro removed with "Fire Slash".

* Luffy "Fire of the Drake" to Kaido

* Kaido "Why do you feel the oden in that sword?"

* Big Mom's all-round lightning attack (Technology name has been

removed . Deliberately taken out) * Big Mom "Straw Hat Why doesn't lightning work?"
Luffy "Because it's rubber!!"

* Kaido "Borovres" to Luffy
Kaido "Isn't the flame working?"
Luffy "Guts"!!!

No pause in the next issue of "Rubber Rubber Bean Gatling"
The title "Sahwang V.S. New Generation" is all battles..

I didn’t describe it one by one last time, and I’ll just write it around technology..

* Kaido "Kaifu" (Swordwind skill name) Zorro defeated with Enma

* Luffy "Rubber Rubber Bean Rifle"
(The picture I drew. I drew the scales like that, but everyone knows that it is fine.)

Kid "Slum Gibson"

As "gamma knife"
Killer "Kamaa Sonic"
Attack Kaido like this

* Big Mom "Indra" (Lightning Attack) to Killer

* Luffy "Reno Schneider" to Kaido

* Kaido "Borovres" to Luffy. Zorro removed with "Fire Slash".

* Luffy "Fire of the Drake" to Kaido

* Kaido "Why do you feel the oden in that sword?"

* Big mom omnidirectional lightning attack (Technology name exists. Deliberately removed)

* Big Mom "Straw Hat Why can't you have lightning?"
Luffy "Because it's rubber!!"

* Kaido "Borovres" to Luffy
Kaido "Isn't the flame working?"
Luffy "Guts"!!! "Rubber rubber bean gatling"

No next issue
Law using his ganma knife already his strongest move this early on, looking more likely Zoro will be outlasting those captains except Luffy:myman:
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