General & Others Top 3 Most Iconic One Piece moments?


Talent is something you make bloom.
3- All SH's raising their arms with the X mark to say goodbye to Vivi.
2- "I want to live!".
1- The random dude speech about dreams never dying, followed by the reveal that this random dude was, in fact, Blackbeard, the person Ace was chasing. Damn that moment was awesome.
Honorable mentions: Binks no sake, "Thanks, I needed a light", Arlong Park walk and Usopp vs Luffy.
My favorite Three One Piece Scenes are:

1. Vivi's Crying from the Tower & everything seems "Lost" (It is IMO most iconic Dramatic Scene in One Piece)
2. WG Flag Burning & Luffy shouts out "Bring it on" (It is IMO most iconic Hype Scene in One Piece)
3. Zoro's refusing to fall & claiming that "Nothing Happened" (It is IMO most iconic Badass Scene in One Piece)