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i must say u r acting different than what u used to be b4 ur revive

its like ur a bit .... umm... bossy

and less laid back
I will apolagize to you guys like I did the host.

I have suggested a Decompose clause in games from now on. There was a lot that happened between my death and my revive, I can't get back into the game no matter how hard I tried. So I have suggested on big games their be a time limit on when a person can be revived to avoid this. A decomposed clause if you will.
So Rayan and Queen a

I didn‘t. I just didn‘t know I can still receive messages. Ask Novas how that ability I showed you works and he can confirm.
So you killing Baby Yoda for me or not ? You answer here makes a huge difference to you,
makes a difference to me tbh but a small one

Ps it feels bad putting Baby and kill in the same sentence I am sorry I am asking this :whitepress:

Warning: This post if heavily influenced by Psychology
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