One Piece Chapter 1003 : The Night Reflected on A Go Board

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Zoro Worshipper
Better in terms of damaging Kaido whose scales are a hard counter to certain types of damage...

Not better against fighting other strong opponents who have other strengths and weaknesses.
Kaido's body is always toughter than Luffy's, no matter which attack is thrown.

Sword attacks wise, it is. Blunt force either. Etc

So there's no point to type this.
:milaugh:kiku says hello!
Raizou says hello.
Kinnemon says hello

What wound did zoro do?

Neither zoro or retainers solo attacks did a fatal wound. don't need to be YC or Top tier to hurt kaido as long as you have hax or ryu
Kin'emon and Kiku are YC level? Maybe YC6-7.
You just need Ryuo, a hax fruit, a hax blade or some other bizarre internal damage ability.
Izo is a Yonko Commander and the gap between him and Kinemon, Kiku and Raizo doesn't seem to be much....

And the 5 SN are clearly portrayed to be above the Scabbards, Zoro himself is portrayed far stronger than Kinemon.

If you can't accept feats vs a Yonko then what are you judging YC level by exactly.

"Zoro can't be Yonko commander level because my headcanon says he's supposed to be weak"
Zoro is using his ryuo with a blade that belonged to Oden, cuts Kaido making him feel same sensation he did from Oden.
Meaning the grandmaster is at the very least approaching same level of haki as Oden:zosmug:
See this as an absolute win, the only haki being used is Zoro's. The scabbards would not fear Enma so much if it had Oden's haki as that would be enough to use it effectively against Kaido without having to worry about their haki getting drained.
remember when people read one piece to enjoy it's story?!

now ... all most people can think about is dick-measuring characters ....
Great post.

In my opinion we are so lucky that Oda shows us the fight, with this super cool characters on top, each one, literally each one are super usefull have nice attacks, and the Yonko are clearly surprise too, they are enjoying the fight, meaning they are indeed monster (like Kaido said).

I dont get why all fans cant just take the chapter for what it is, an amazing action compact, with the most popular characther in One Piece (almost). It is like the Avenger but in One Piece.

Anime gona be fire especially from Chapter 977 to the currecnt chapter


Zoro Worshipper
I am curious to see if there will be a meeting and confrontation between Big Mom and the CP0, given her past and connection with them (even if she's unaware of it) and of their relation and knowledge of Mother Carmel and who she truly was.
That would be enthusing to look at but I hope no CP0 gets to fight a yonko either, that would waste the hype of the rooftop clash in my opinion.
Lol dont even pretend you wouldnt do the same if shanks was fighting
oh I'm a toxic fuck as well ... a toxic fuck who get mad far too easy :)

but remember 1001?

I was really happy about Shanks in that chapter ... so I didn't even made a single Mihawk hate post ...
I even said "this is a hype for Mihawk as well"

I was happy
arguments would've made me ... less happy
This chapter feels so good Zoro continues his winning streak and crowns this with countering freaking Kaidos attack and the best is Sanji is losing this chapter is the best example and summary of the former rivalry between these two since the start of the NW
Sanjis gets Ls
Zoro gets Ws

Zoros potrayal in the new world sum up in this picture

Sanjis potrayal sum up in this Picture in the New World
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