I am amazed zoro gives zero damn about hiyori sleeping with him. She probably expected zoro to bang her . She was probably disappointed he didnt do anything of sort.
Well we know bonney is daughter of kuma. Kuma wont be happy on someone laying hand on his daughter .
On otherhand what do you guys think happened to bonney ?
Sabo, bonney, vivi are probably chilling on a boatm They will head towards wano most likely.
Well we know bonney is daughter of kuma. Kuma wont be happy on someone laying hand on his daughter .
On otherhand what do you guys think happened to bonney ?
Sabo, bonney, vivi are probably chilling on a boatm They will head towards wano most likely.
Well i dunno i believe sabo will use luffys vivre card to head towards his place. He cant go back to kambakka island.
Very likely dragon will have to move out since cp-0 will track them.
Also luffy needs forces atm sabo being in wano is important as well. My guess is sabo may have guessed luffys next destiny is towards kaido territory .
Well we know bonney is daughter of kuma. Kuma wont be happy on someone laying hand on his daughter .
On otherhand what do you guys think happened to bonney ?
Sabo, bonney, vivi are probably chilling on a boatm They will head towards wano most likely.
I think Sabo and Bonney are together running away from Mariejoa with Kuma. Maybe the other revolutionaries are with them too, but Sabo and Bonney are definitely together.
However i still dont get why sabo and the rev were even doing ?
This plot was weakass to me.
Unless dragon s plan was only to retrieve kuma from mariejois but not to create rebel.
The plot didnt go smoothly when fujitora came around. Fuji was completely uninvited guest no wonder 2 admiral against 4 rev commander was overwhelming.
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