It's funny how non of Sanji's opponents are true physical fighters.

Mr 2 had shoes which were weapons
Jabra had fucking claws
Absaldom used Bazookas
Wanze used a blade as a finisher
Raisin was a swordsman
Satori used those expolding balls
Yonji had those wepaon arms
Sheepshead had those horns
Duval had those harpoons

Only people that were fought with brawling was Kuroobi and Wadatsumi. And Wadatsumi barely even landed anything and got oneshot. And Kuroobi was also a swordsman as much as he was a martial artist.

Then you have Sanji's other unresolved fights:

Doffy = Strings
Judge = That bladed weapon
Oven = Glaive
Daifuku = Genie Bladed weapon
Vergo = Bamboo stick
Gin = Weird weapon

So please can this Sanji fights only physical fighters shit die:usoprice: