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You can't win
Jack has the best feats / build up out of the calamities

> Singlehandily erased the Zou civilization
> Crippled the minks leaders for life
> Survived a confrontation with an Admiral + fleet Admiral and still have enough strength to come back to Zou and survive a country lvl attack
> Defeated an entire sulong mink army(when 2 lower level mink could fight / defeat Perospero), with Sulong Inu / Neko ultimately defeating him while weakened

And he is by far the youngest calamity as well(28years old), so likely with more potential
Why yall sad for. Sanji is fucking outta of this plotline and now him and Robin have a nice interaction. I am fucking annoyed that Brook is sharing the same opponent with Robin tho. This should be Robin's fight. But I guess that means Jinbe will be truly stuck fighting Who's Who,

Well anyways yall know it's only Ws for Sanji from now on. That's how it was in Ennies Lobby. Sanji gets sacrificed to women, then redeems himself.
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