One Piece 961 Title: “9 Creature”

-Konemon and Denjiro give a white boar to Oden

-The mountain god chases the oden and destroys the village in the process

-Oden suddenly hears a voice and hurts her head. The mountain god attacked Oden and struck him by his head.

-Oden returns as if nothing had happened. He now "understands" what the mountain god is saying / feeling. He asks Kimemon and Denjiro to follow him.

-Oden uses the king's h to tame the mountain god.

-Oden returns white boar to mountain bo with a smile. Then they return to their home and return to the mountain.

Two and a half years later, somewhere on chestnut beach

-The Nekumushi and Inarasi children have died and are on the shore of Chestnut Beach.

-A woman named Toki appears and helps both. She said, "Is the wild boar one of the nine creatures in the county?"

Chapter end.
We meet neko and inu as child mink!! And we finally meet the beauty toki chan!!!:steef::steef:
-The Nekumushi and Inarasi children have died and are on the shore of Chestnut Beach.

-A woman named Toki appears and helps both. She said, "Is the wild boar one of the nine creatures in the county?"

Chapter end.
The fuck google. It probably says Inu and Neku are passed out on the shore of Kuri beach.

Wild boar in japanese is "Inoshihi". Is it the mountain god? And it has connection with Zunesha?


I will never forgive Oda
Found the spoilers. Maybe it's legit.




-おでんは突然声を聞いて頭が痛い。 山の神はおでんを攻撃し、彼を頭でbyった。

-おでんは何もなかったように戻ります。 彼は今、山の神が言っている/感じていることを「理解」しました。 彼は金右衛門と伝二郎に彼についてくるように頼む。


-おでんは笑みを浮かべながら山boに白いイノシシを返します。 それから彼らは彼らの家に戻って山に戻ります。



-トキという女性が現れ、両方を助けます。 彼女は「イノシシはこの郡にいる9匹の生き物のうちの1人かしら」
