Title:story of the mountain
-the attack of the mountain god wild boar continued, and there was a lot of chaos. Everyone tried to find the white pig.
-one of the passers found kinemon and told him otsuro has been eaten by the mountain
-kinemon ran with sword towards the god mountain and said return otsuro
-Kinemon wanted to explain to everyone he is who brought the white pig, and kinemon dont want live because he thinks otsuro died ,oden stopped him and uses two swords style to repel the mountain god
-Oden stepped forward and said to the mountain god the white pig is here
-The shogun came to Oden and exiled him because of what happened they thought he brought the pig and oden covered kinemon and danjiro because of that they want to follow oden and became his retainers
-Yasuie is talking to his new servant and that is orochi his new servant