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Sorry, but i can't. Not only Sanji is basically confirmed to fight Jack, he's ridiculed by BM, Kidd's crew and Sasaki, and fucking cries. This is too much even for me:josad:
I wouldn't say about Jack part given there are chances on Queen given he is seemingly absent and possible King coming after Sanji after what he does next.

As for other part, not first time crew been ridcule before like Bellamy's crew did about Luffy and Zoro, they just prove it later on how strong they are.
Katakuri owns the chapter, what a great character and future ally in the ass kicking of the marinea at the end of the story.

Well, Sanji is a monster of resistence, a tank even without the RS, and now he's heading where Jack is going too, he'll be beating the mammoth even after being hit hundreds of time by a Tobi Roppo. Grandmaster Sanji :finally:

Yep, I'm joking, I just hope he and the other Strawhats will have the fight we deserve after years of waiting and Luffycentrism


Of course, Marco manhandles every single charlotte kid in a one-on-one. The only thing this chapter may change is proving that King is also capable of doing the same. Not that Oda already made it pretty obvious when he almost killed the entire crew just to hype King lmao.Transforming specific parts of the body isn't considered a full-fledged hybrid form. Hybrid is when you retain the qualities of your zoan while you're in human form. This isn't Marco's hybrid form lmao.
What ?
Isn't transforming body parts hybrid?

Don't know what a hybrid is?

A human being, wearing wings, and feet of a phoenix, has gained the ability to fly even though he is human, and claws of a phoenix, isn't that a hybrid?
are you crazy


Jinbe is a Shichibukai, of course he can handle some Executive
Robin & Brook are Teaming Up, it's not 1 v 1
And Franky built Super Strong Robot just so he can have such Fights
Sanji is fighting an Injured Jack & Scabbards might give him little help so he can win Faster
Nami & Usopp are against Page One & Ulti who are obviously Stronger but the Duo might Outsmart them or receive Help

So Yes, Straw Hats were given Favorable Fights just so that they keep their Energy for another Fight
Also notice how King & Queen aren't in a Serious Fight & are obviously left for after Flying Six are Defeated
Not to mention that Luffy lost his Gear 4 & Zoro is busy protecting him

All of this clearly shows us that what we are seeing right now is "Round 01" where Kaido/BM Win while Jack & Flying Six Lose
Then we will have "Round 02" where Straw Hats fight Big Mom, King & Queen follow them to the Roof & they fight Kid & Killer
While Luffy & Zoro have their Rematch against Kaido, but this time they Go All Out & there isn't BM to bother them

Marco & Drake & Rest will handle the rest of Fight below, especially with CP-0 being there, Apoo returned, More Numbers incoming & who knows, maybe Big Mom Pirates will show up too
Stop reading 2 pieces

Luffy kid Law vs kaido
Navy vs Linlin
Zoro vs smoothie /queen/King
Sanji vs king/queen
Yamato vs Jack
@rerere like i said, the first butthurt fangirl appears directly. :ihaha:

Zoro is doing better right now, yes. Cause the usual shonen climax goes from weakest fight to strongest fight. So Zoro shining now is kinda proving my point, you know?
Zoro hasn't Ougi,Iai,Asura, has only used santoryu with only one the aforementioned santoryu attack being being infused with Haki while Kidd has already used punk rotten also Luffy shown the most in those first 3 chapters so does that mean kidd>Law>Killer>Zoro>Luffy
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