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It annoys the fuck out of me when I hear fans saying "Oda doesn't have time to showcase every SH, so he should only focus on Rooftop"

Brah... Oda had fucking time to showcase a group like Oniwabanshu with ZERO usefulness!
What are we talking about!

Oda has time to draw a new shitty smile user with his head coming out of chicken ASS! And he doesn't have time for SHs!?

This is truly why I would 100% stop the show if any of the SHs didn't get their shine!

A true failure! And not unavoidable, rather TOO obvious for even kids to see what horrible shit that would be
My only hope for this arc is that raid will fail
It could be the case that King/Queen are the veterans, CURRENT strongest calamities... and Jack is kinda like Law with Mingo's family where he is groomed to become next in line after Kaido... but still didn't bloom yet as one could say!

Maybe Kaido saw himself in Jack, maybe this is why he even protected him in rooftop saying his precious subbordinate
That's something that I think too, and was largely hinted during the story
King/Queen ---> Most experienced Calamities and by consequence highest ranking
Jack ---> The Calamity with the highest potential, but still young

Kaido could really see himself in Jack cause he was the cabin boy back in Rocks ship
I try to imagine Oda's way of thinking.
"Hmmmm....I just gave this character a totally emotional arc, but didnt give him any major fight, because I didnt want it to be the focus. Now, in Wano, shit is gonna get real. It's the real clash win or die against the Yonkos. This character so far got some L's, so it's weird making him solo a Calamity, considering how strong I made the commanders so far, that even Luffy was pushed to his limits.
I KNOW! I'm gonna give him the Raid Suit. I'm giving him some power and defense to compensate for his not great CoA, I'm even going to give him freaking INVISIBILITY!!! His dream power!!! Gonna use a few chapters to showcase him using the suit and doing some work, to show that is he back to being a powerhouse.
But I'm also going to postpone his match in Onigashima as much as I can. I'm gonna create situations of conflict with all 3 Calamities, just to keep people guessing.
I wonder if, after all of this, I should just make him fight Perospero, or nobody else. LMAO".

I just think Oda is having fun, taking his sweet time to solidify Sanji's fight. Either that or he wasted A LOT of panel time to showcase Sanji's power up, just to he couldn't use it at all in a fight.
I CHOOSE to believe the first case, just because the other one would make Oda a complete retard that at one point says there isn't enough time to showcase everything he wants, but then waste entire chapters on good for nothing plots.
Just have a little bit of faith for now. :P
If this is how Oda's thinking process I should stop watching the show from now Lol

This is not what a true writer process of writing a story... it's just a shit show of blue balling fans and dick teasing them with no payoff
It could be the case that King/Queen are the veterans, CURRENT strongest calamities... and Jack is kinda like Law with Mingo's family where he is groomed to become next in line after Kaido... but still didn't bloom yet as one could say!

Maybe Kaido saw himself in Jack, maybe this is why he even protected him in rooftop saying his precious subbordinate
One Piece will have its aura the moment Oda stops with Oden/Japanese piece and starts an actual show i.e. about pirates/marines/government. No arc character got more focus than Oden/scabbards and yet all other arc characters have overwhelming personality than Oden/Scabbards combined.
My only hope for this arc is that raid will fail
Still if that comes, it doesn't excuse Oda from not letting all SHs shine!

He can create a scenario where every SH beat their PROPER opponent, but Kaido and Big Mom are just waaaay too strong and Big Mom crew comes in lastly PLUS the idea of awakened Zoan with fast recovery where all defeated commanders still get back up! Leading to defeat!

But being straight defeat is bad
One Piece will have its aura the moment Oda stops with Oden/Japanese piece and starts an actual show i.e. about pirates/marines/government. No arc character got more focus than Oden/scabbards and yet all other arc characters have overwhelming personality than Oden/Scabbards combined.
By the way, I'm the only guy here who's annoyed by Oden's voice actor in Anime Lol!
So many like him, for me I hate his voice actor, doesn't match him for me at all!

My version of Oden in manga was better honestly!

WB new voice actor is Solid! He's Crocoboy VA afterall, and he has great deep voice!

Roger's new VA is cringest of all Lol

But truly, Oden should have had Takamura's voice actor from Hajime no Ippo saying "Orewa sama da"
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Oda wants to write 30 pages but editors and higher ups said NO
Don't care! When he removes the other 10 pages, don't remove the great moments of SHs and keep a guy with a head coming out of chicken ass


Talent is something you make bloom.
If this is how Oda's thinking process I should stop watching the show from now Lol

This is not what a true writer process of writing a story... it's just a shit show of blue balling fans and dick teasing them with no payoff
Well, overusing silhouette is also a case of "teasing". And we KNOW how much Oda loves his silhouettes.
Big Mom said "he" because she thought that Zoro DID something, the next panel Kaido says that it hurts because of "oden's sword".
I can read, but can you stop with your headcannons?
Lmao this kid, i give him a free english lesson and instead of thanking me he says this negative iq sht. Go back to kindergarten because not only do you have reading problems but comprehension skills.
I am done trying to educate you continue your journey with the rest of the 5 year olds.


World's Strongest Swordsman
So.... Zoro's name is "that brat"
The next panel you can see Kaido saying "That must be Oden's sword!!"
Kaido literally says in the next panel that it is Enma and not Zoro.
Are you a retard ?

When big mom says that brat you think she's talking about a sword ?

Where does kaido say it was only cause of enma ?
Why didn't enma hurt him when zoro didn't use haki on onigiri ?
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