Kaido only recognized Enma, that's a fact. This panel says it very well - "...and it slices more than needed" Zoro then says - "It'll mean i've gotten that much stronger, won't it"?
This whole Enma has Oden's haki bullshit is gonna be looked at in the same way as retards pushing Zoro vs YC3 Kyoshiro in a few chapters, don't say we didn't warn you
A forged black blade like Shusui had no haki stored in it, if any blades were capable of such things it would be black blades yet we can all agree that wasn't the case. But Enma that has still not been forged has somehow been storing Odens haki lmao, all that bs just to deny our green haired marimo his deserved credit
firs off that post disproves your point that "WHY DIDN'T WE SEE ENMA SUCK ZORO OFF" ok that sounds... ehm.. and then even Tengu said that enma releases excess haki than needed.. that just means that his haki control ain't good with it.. exactly why his arm was shrunken to bones.. and he has to say "GEMME BACK MY ARM" bruh
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