Writer Oda died long ago.
LOL, this is why I generally prefer Queen or King for Sanji.... However is Jack a good match? sure, but if Oda provided those points, the payoff will be satisfactory, if he did not, no one will be satisfied, and that's NOT a way to deliver the ending for them!
You either deliver a good payoff, or NEVER humiliate this guy from the get go! Cause if you are not ready to redeem one of your main characters later on, never humiliate him or make him bite the dust and reach the rock bottom... just keep him on the high notes, and provide normal decent fight and move on if you have no time...
But since you dragged him to the LOWEST OF LOWS.... then you should bring him back up to the highest of highs... it's like stocks or like waves or even some laws of physics... for every action, there is an equal reaction to opposite side... it's back and forth...
If Oda lost sight of that... it only makes his work go from bad to worse