Be real
Espada 1 was different from 2 who was different from 3 and 4...etc...
Starrk was his own character... and Barragan was cool as fuck old geezer with his own grudge against Aizen... and Niellel was most loyal like Starrk but with her own character... Uliquora was emo... Grimjaw was like a street fighter who's hotheaded.... not emo... another espada was a man who looked like a woman... there was an espada like a Hulk (10 or 0) too idiot, just musclehead....
They had a few different quirks, but most of them were the "smug dead eye" attitude kinda approach.
Stark was like that, Hallibel, Ulquiorra, the bald dark one Byakuya owned. Meh.
i think Kubo is REALLY bad in portraying more than 5 different type of personalities.
The captains felt fresh, despite most of them also having the "smug ass dead eye" attitude. The Espadas felt like a repeat.
In my eyes yes, he invented a new language and created are real myth. The Silmarillon is like the bible of middle earth. There are plenty of other stories beneath Lotr. It feels like a fictional history. Miyazaki is great too but Tolkien is special for me
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