enough talking about the raid failing; I am gonna talk on this thread about what I think will happen after it fails.
so after the rooftop battle ends in failure, rest of alliance overwhelmed by their respective opponents + big mom pirates forces and thus act 3 ends in an overwhelming defeat and tragedy ...
act 4 starts; onigashima will eventually land on flower capital, I mean can’t you just see how near it was from it last chapter ?
However, before it lands the third party has already made its move and conducted a strategy to save as much people as possible... I am talking about garp leading the navy fleets.
the grand execution of the whole alliance is about to start but booooom !!! Vegapunk’s SSG that were hyped to replace the world system interpret the grand execution and havoc starts all over again where the real actual war finally starts.
this will be similar to what we got back in WCI island where big mom pirates were about to slaughter everyone only for the castle to explode.
garp meets linlin and kaido in the middle of havoc where the alliance escaped from the hell of rocks and are starting to stand up and fight again... redistribution of the fights will start here.
rocks flashback starts... a legendary flashback that has connects between kaido’s past... linlin past before rocks... rocks pirates...the valley war and finally post valley war.
flashbsck ends , linlin faces garp and linlin main fight finally starts
kaido vs 3 captains
zoro vs smoothie
Sanji vs Perospero
Jinbe can who who
ussop vs montdor
Nami vs Gallete
Carrot vs ulti
king vs Marco
Queen vs drake
Jack vs Yamato
Apoo vs killer
those the matchup ups I will be shocked if they didn’t happen. Rest is up for debate.
so after the rooftop battle ends in failure, rest of alliance overwhelmed by their respective opponents + big mom pirates forces and thus act 3 ends in an overwhelming defeat and tragedy ...
act 4 starts; onigashima will eventually land on flower capital, I mean can’t you just see how near it was from it last chapter ?
However, before it lands the third party has already made its move and conducted a strategy to save as much people as possible... I am talking about garp leading the navy fleets.
the grand execution of the whole alliance is about to start but booooom !!! Vegapunk’s SSG that were hyped to replace the world system interpret the grand execution and havoc starts all over again where the real actual war finally starts.
this will be similar to what we got back in WCI island where big mom pirates were about to slaughter everyone only for the castle to explode.
garp meets linlin and kaido in the middle of havoc where the alliance escaped from the hell of rocks and are starting to stand up and fight again... redistribution of the fights will start here.
rocks flashback starts... a legendary flashback that has connects between kaido’s past... linlin past before rocks... rocks pirates...the valley war and finally post valley war.
flashbsck ends , linlin faces garp and linlin main fight finally starts

kaido vs 3 captains
zoro vs smoothie
Sanji vs Perospero
Jinbe can who who
ussop vs montdor
Nami vs Gallete
Carrot vs ulti
king vs Marco
Queen vs drake
Jack vs Yamato
Apoo vs killer
those the matchup ups I will be shocked if they didn’t happen. Rest is up for debate.