East Blue Sea Adventure started with Zoro/Luffy beating Morgan/Alvida, (One-Shot)
Paradise Sea Adventure started with Zoro/Luffy beating Mr. 5/Miss Valentine, (One-Shot)
New World Sea Adventure started with Zoro/Luffy beating Caesar/Monet, (One-Shot)
Could it be that after They are done with New World, They will One-Shot another Male/Female Duo?
I can only think of Kaidou/Big Mom tbh,
If you are refering to the “Nothing Happened” moment to say Zoro has more willpower then Luffy then thats a fault way of thinking. All it says is that Zoro had greater endurance at the time.
As for Wano. Not sure what exactly youre refering to here is it taking hakai? Because I dont see why Luffy cant do it as he knows barrier Haki as well. Oda had Zoro do it though because he needed an excuse to remove him from
Thoughts on Shanks vs Mihawk? I mean, in terms of Haki. We already know Mihawk wins in an overall fight.
I feel that Shanks could have slightly better Conq Haki, but Mihawk has better Observation and Armament.
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