Actually I think you got it right
Oden will witness Kaido lose to the new gen and then be sent back to his cell to die
And that is why he has such confidence that Kaido will lose in 20 yrs
Toki sent him to the future for a limited amount of time
Oden will witness Kaido lose to the new gen and then be sent back to his cell to die
And that is why he has such confidence that Kaido will lose in 20 yrs
Toki sent him to the future for a limited amount of time
People question the point back then why Oden was looking clean and haven´t bandages when he get killed by Kaido right?
When Oden and the other get exuctive, Kaido had bandages, the Scabbards have it and Oden didn´t have it.
This was Oden before the day where he get kiilled:

And that was Oden when he get killed:

Oden was clean!! A Mystic zoan like Kaido even had bandages, but Oden didn´t have it.
Im sure he get send into the future days before the raid begin, he heal himself and stay together with Hiyori and Toki?
I think Oden already see the future, because that he was sure that Kaido going to die in the future.^^
That is at least my though.