are you going to question oda when zoro beats king and cuts kaido? :smithnie:

I don't see paper as a "natural element" so this logia is kinda weird
Speculation and Headcannon. You think Luffy let Zoro fight his battles? Lmao :gokulaugh:.

Orochi is his final opponent.

It's for a game, so shouldn't be taken seriously, but paper is made of wood which made of element so make sense.

Kusanagi Kyo

Facts. Doing better work than 'certain confirmed one with weapons' especially current arcs.
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Wasn't there game with non-canon character with fruit like that. I forgot it and his name.
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Did he faint though and stop moving? Nah, Zoro did as Nerf Kamazou and Gyukimaro did. Not to mention ran away like bitch by Hawkins and Kyoshiro. Come back when he is a man like Sanji in beating credible opponent instead of coming short overall.
will you really bring your bullshit even here? This is not a Z vs S thread gtfo :lawsigh:
Speculation and Headcannon. You think Luffy let Zoro fight his battles? Lmao :gokulaugh:.

Orochi is his final opponent.

It's for a game, so shouldn't be taken seriously, but paper is made of wood which made of element so make sense.
Orochi is too weak for grandmaster, sorry

Wood logia would be cool wonder if Oda has any plans for it

Kusanagi Kyo

Rurouni Kenshin and Bebop battle it out for me. I love the older animation style, the VA work, the soundtrack. Just summarizes a lot of love I have for older anime.

Saito's the bomb. Kenshin's best rival, especially over Aoshi.
Same here, the art style and the animation are nostalgic and so good... I wish Hokkaido Arc had an anime adaptation, but we know it wouldn't be same as the classic series FeelsBadMan

Of course!! Saito >>>> Aoshi all the way.


I will never forgive Oda
Same here, the art style and the animation are nostalgic and so good... I wish Hokkaido Arc had an anime adaptation, but we know it wouldn't be same as the classic series FeelsBadMan

Of course!! Saito >>>> Aoshi all the way.
It's a little disappointing we don't have any samurai running around on the level of Shishio Makoto or Saito Hajime. Ashura Doji, Kappa Man and Kinnemon don't give me that classic samurai vibe. Kyo sort of does, but he doesn't fill the role fully IMO.

The Hokkaido arc? Is that one of the spin off sequels or the last legit arc's proper name?

Kusanagi Kyo

It's a little disappointing we don't have any samurai running around on the level of Shishio Makoto or Saito Hajime. Ashura Doji, Kappa Man and Kinnemon don't give me that classic samurai vibe. Kyo sort of does, but he doesn't fill the role fully IMO.

The Hokkaido arc? Is that one of the spin off sequels or the last legit arc's proper name?
I agree. The way Oda is portraying the Edo period is not in a very realistic way ... Rurouni Kenshin has a more realistic and less "fanciful" way to portray the edo period with samurais and everything. I confess that I also wanted a character like kenshin or Saito in Wano ... it's really sad that we don't have any...

Hokkaido Arc is a sequel to the original Manga. It was almost canceled because Nobuhiro was arrested for child pornography