Who will Kaido fight?

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You can't win
Obviously it had to be Kanjuro's drawing :wellwell:

Not surprised Orochi is still alive either :yearight:

The title based on Asura Doji makes me wonder though, unless it's just because he was the one to know it was fake Oden

Anyway, finally we see hybrid Kaido


Unless there is a time fuckery though, it looks like the novas were able to contain both Kaido and Big Mom for a while

And this part
- Kaidou in hybrid form and Big Mom Vs. Worst Generation.

Law: We must remove one of them.

Zoro: I agree.

Kid: Having the two of them side by side, is like being in hell.

Luffy: I've already been in the hell many times!!
Finally the novas stops ignoring Big Mom :madmonk: A split up is a nice idea i saw coming. I wonder who will decide to fight Big Mom though since so far all of them were focused on Kaido

Surprised to see Oda decided to go back to the roof without finishing the match-ups under the roof though. We still don't know Sanji's match-up. But if it's the case, it doesn't sound good for the SNs
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