Who will Kaido fight?

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All SN being smart and they plan to split the Yonko but our stupid and by fate/luck carried MC Luffy be like: I’ve already been in the hell many times !!
Luffy is just throwing epic quotes for the final panel of the chapter.
I swear I hope Zoro kills Kaido and Kidd kills Big Mom
ok stop crying on Luffy....he is living "rent free" in your head....fate/luck carried MC?...okay....
Also a big fat L to those who were saying the chapter title are strawhats in reverse or whatever and it's gonna be a chapter focus on each until we get Zoro
I am not one of the ones supporting this theory, But technically it could still happen because the theory says every other chapter. And also this chapter is not focused on Zoro, It looks more of a RS chapter than anything else.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Sounds like one boring motherfuckin’ chapter, although immediately being proven right about Oden just being one of Kanjuro’s drawings is kinda nice. Absolutely no reason for Orochi to still be alive, but Oda already decided long ago that he doesn’t give a damn about awful storytelling if he can wring a few more drops of manufactured “suspense” from an otherwise predictable formula :hapnoel:
Scabbards left disabled dog to fight a mammoth....

But fuck this interim chapter.

Next week roof piece:steef:
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