evading his attacks by out running them such as mochi leg gatling thing thats the point , and that panel is luffy trying to blitz kata.. but fails due to FS.. coz luffy cannot see katakuri coming due to his inferiority in CoO..in perception.. and anticipation
and with sanji it was the priest's initial attack which he would dodge, and the attack katakuri executed coz the initial attack was foreseen to be dodged by sanji
again he could see that attack coming in twice unlike sanji who was focusing on pudding and yet dodged an attack katakuri thought will do the job since the priest's Bullet will be dodged by sanji.. so saniji basically countered a contingency move from katakuri and luffy doesn't even use observation to dodge that attack he just stretches his head away in the nick of time.. that just shows his agility
There have have been many instances where luffy couldn't perceive the attack coming from his blind spot.
What basic CoO grants you is common perception, but what good is that common perception against someone like katakuri who has FS ..
which sanji countered using his own perception
so sanji's perception >> luffy's perception?
here is luffy getting pummeled from his blind spot
there are others too if u want me to present
That whole page and panels are just one Thrust mochi attack from different perspectives btw and the only way luffy was able to dodge it was not by perception but his agility and maneuverability his Df provides, he blitzed to catch kata off guard by evading the attack kata was about to execute. but kata foresaw where he will land.. and shot thrust mochi there but kata could do nothing regarding luffy dodging it with his DF in the nick of time which was highly unpredictable. again friend its not about it being a jelly bean lol, that jelly bean attack was a contingency move to kills sanji off since he foresaw sanji dodging the priests shot but kata couldn't predict that sanji would dodge his jelly bean too just like luffy dodged the Thrust mochi in the Nick of time but with his DF instead of perceiving it... thats also why oda didn't draw it like the way sanji dodged it like an after image.. coz luffy wasn't relying of CoO primarily there.
Yea true I'm delusional... but luffy himself said that he still has more to learn about CoO.. well there is that
but think about it CoO has many aspects to it.. the CoO ussop blooms in dressrosa... perception and basically prediction of moves
we know that prediction/anticipation can be taking to another level which is what kata and luffy use
but that doesn't mean just coz u have the other level if prediction CoO you have mastered .. your perception abd your vision .. you have just mastered a part of CoO that relates with anticipation..
but lets for the sake of the argument assume that its all the same thing.. there are no aspects it but its just CoO generally.
@LANJI CUCKSMOKE if u do believe that zoro knew ACoA (breath if all things by your definition i reckon) . without even realizing the base armament... then you're contradicting yourself rn by saying that luffy knew the basics hence he was able to take his observation to another level... don't get me wrong I'm nit trying to piss you off or anything but think about it.