Who will Kaido fight?

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Kaido dragon form proceeds to get speedblitz by heavy metal kid, but still can dodge zoro slash
Same comment as scabbards, he intentionally took their attacks, his comment after Kidds, Luffy's and Law's attack in ch 1002 "Enough of these tricks"

Very Clear Zoro's attack in 1002 was far more powerful than those 3 attacks individually
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Thats funny cause Zoro is carrying Luffys ass in this fight
Literally too
Did kaido not dodge that slash? zoro is just that slow every move he makes with enma will fatigue him more and more Kata will just wear him out, at best zoro ys yc2 which is safe to say
Zoroโ€™s ap is very high, even higher than some 1st commanders. But what these Zorotards donโ€™t get is that ap isnโ€™t everything. There is speed, intelligence, technique,... and in those categories Zoro isnโ€™t very good, while a commander is more balanced
No he will fight luffy, the portrayal makes it clear kinda like saying zoro won't kill kaido

He said he will capture koby they will meet in the NW

His inner cowardness might come out when hes vsing hanacock but if it doesn't he will capture her and hanacock is hyped up I dont think no one in the alliance is stronger than her except Marco
if you cant see how coby acts like " look luffy i made it , became admiral " ,than keep continue to wank him. he acts like waiting acceptance of luffy rather than chasing his own dream. Typical loser and someone who will always chase dust of others. Also what coby going after rn is something what pre skip shp were doing continously alongside with dressrosa arc. Shp already step up their games to yonko territory. Especially luffy and zoro who pushed coby to his way of navy rn.


World's Strongest Swordsman
And Kata will stand in one place like a statue until the tornado comes to him lmao. Yall living off Kaido letting Zoro land hits. Any competent YC fighter won't let Zoro get away with shit. They'd take care of him instantly.

Katakuri goes around that puny tornado lol. Unless now you believe the Tornado is alive and can chase Katakuri in every direction.
Kata can do what he wants he ain't dodging a tornado that is bigger than dragon kaido.
How? when kid got behind him and suplex him you can see the suprise text mark on kaido
He literally called that attack along with Luffy's and Law's "these tricks" it is quoted in the manga.

Again Kaido is not trying to dodge those attacks. He has only tried to dodge one attack the whole time and that was Zoro's Flying Dragon Blaze. Which is clear from the destruction it left has probably been the deadliest attack on the roof so far
If it didn't have haki in how did it cut kaido
Are the torando and zoro cutting kaido two separate things? I dont pay attention to zoro you must tell me
He literally called that attack along with Luffy's and Law's "these tricks" it is quoted in the manga.

Again Kaido is not trying to dodge those attacks. He has only tried to dodge one attack the whole time and that was Zoro's Flying Dragon Blaze. Which is clear from the destruction it left has probably been the deadliest attack on the roof so far
Ok? we have yet to get a speed feat from dragon kaido hes slow, its alright zoro sacrificed speed for power and huff huff
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I was rereading chapter 1000 and it seems that Kaido does have FS. at least the sound vmmm is there or maybe i misunderstand something
No it does he probably has regular observation
Kaido thought Doffy was a weakling because he got taken out by a bunch of Supernova, as he will himself.
No, Kaido though Doffy was a weakling because that's what he was, a weakling. He got beat in less than 3 hours by Law and Luffy. Jack fought the Dukes and a whole army of minks on his own for days, then fought an army of sulong minks and beat them all.

Jack would be ass raped/no diffed if Law/Luffy ganged up on him. I wouldn't be surprised if Kinemon can take this dude 1 v. 1.
Dressrosa Luffy and Law? Same Luffy who couldn't do shit to Cracker would last against Jack? lmao. Doffy is fodder nowadays. Holding him into this ridiculously high standard when the series itself makes it clear that he's below guys like Jack and Cracker is like saying Crocodile could beat an Admiral at marineford
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