Chapter was good overall.
Pretty sure Ashura is alive.
Y'all can say what you want, Momo has so much potential. For all the downplayers: he just displayed a major CoO feat here!!
At this point it might be plausible for Shinobu to age him. But have to say, I wouldn't really like it. But lets see how Oda will hande it, if he really goes this route.
Inu vs Jack will probably be offpaneled.
And is it just me or does Kaido's hybrid form kinda look underwhelming? It just looks like his base form but with more dragon attributes. I imagined it looking more dragon-like.
Luffy in high spirits as always.

Oh, and also "oDa HiGhLiGhTs ZoRo BeCaUsE zOrO iS DuMb"