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Kidd is saying none of their attacks are working while Luffy is saying they are.
Doesn't look like they are working, and Law-Zoro basically confirm it when they agree on trying a new tactic

Kidd is saying battling Kaido and BM is like hell while Luffy is basically saying it's not a big deal.
You misreading it? He's liking it, you just need to look at his face, my man is orgasming and same goes for Luffy


World's Strongest Swordsman
Black sparks =/= Haki being used....

Black sparks coming off the dome, while Luffy is upside down in the air =/= those black sparks are coming from Luffy using Haki...

so what youre saying is luffy is attacking kaido in base and thinks the attacks are working in base with no haki despite g4 luffy pre udon doing nothing and getting one shot. So its all pointless and luffys retarded


Chapter was good overall.

Pretty sure Ashura is alive.
Y'all can say what you want, Momo has so much potential. For all the downplayers: he just displayed a major CoO feat here!!
At this point it might be plausible for Shinobu to age him. But have to say, I wouldn't really like it. But lets see how Oda will hande it, if he really goes this route.

Inu vs Jack will probably be offpaneled.
And is it just me or does Kaido's hybrid form kinda look underwhelming? It just looks like his base form but with more dragon attributes. I imagined it looking more dragon-like.

Luffy in high spirits as always.:christnally:
Oh, and also "oDa HiGhLiGhTs ZoRo BeCaUsE zOrO iS DuMb"


Heavy Metal
looool where did you answer
keep the same energy man
wheres the smile gone here ?
i repeat myself for you. Even tho you are salty every week.

The look and the spirit wasn’t pointed out by other characters to be special in any way. This time it was, by kaido.

also Kid being surprised doesn’t say he is weaker or anything, just that he was surprised in that moment.
Doesn't look like they are working, and Law-Zoro basically confirm it when they agree on trying a new tactic
Wanting to try a new tactic does not mean none of your attacks are doing damage.

You misreading it? He's liking it, you just need to look at his face, my man is orgasming and same goes for Luffy
Doesn't change the fact that he does not have the same spirit as Luffy and thus was not acknowledged by Kaido :kayneshrug:


World's Strongest Swordsman
i repeat myself for you. Even tho you are salty every week.

The look and the spirit wasn’t pointed out by other characters to be special in any way. This time it was, by kaido.

also Kid being surprised doesn’t say he is weaker or anything, just that he was surprised in that moment.
Yes to luffy alone not the rest of them
kidd is flat out saying the opposite of what luffy is
lmfao doesnt it kidd hasnt done jack shit up there to the point that you hyping he smiled.
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