Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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I’m pretty sure haki is a miscommunication and it’s just the generic willpower.
“They’re too strong willed I can’t move them.” Where as Doffy and them weren’t paying attention to him so they weren’t resisting him.
Generic willpower is haki. Haki is directly associated with willpower and fighting spirit and your ability to use armament fluctuates big time if you're not in the right state of mind


The Road To Harmony
We're seeing some good teamwork from the Worst Generation. At the expense of Linlin. I'll wait for pics before judging it fully. Zeus' capture is a sign Nami will get the stronger lightning she was asking for.

I hope we see Zoro bloodied while giving a devilish smile after the attacks he took. You aren't fighting the average swordsman, you're fighting a demon.

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you think she comes back to be dealt with?
It's possible.
It also depends on if Oda decides to have Big Mom betray Kaido or not.
There are many ways to execute this, it would be almost impossible to predict.
But one thing I am certain of is that Luffy defeats Kaido and Zoro slays Kaido.
Oda will find a way to make those two things work, either by making Kaido return from defeat or by giving Luffy a huge spotlight throughout the fight.
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