Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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Gorosei Informer

Yea lol... imagine odareaching out like Zack after the anime animates some BS and in comes oda... : heres the oda cut you asked for

But i think the anime is doing a dope job in portraying the manga.
Lmfao, Snyder for the OP live action? I do love Snyder's slow motion style in fights tbh, the action in his films look really good too in general. I saw a glimpse of the new Justice League and the action looked great. His involvement with the 1st Wonder Woman film was awesome, I liked the action in that, in 1 or 2 scenes at least. That awesome WW theme tune remix too!

The Oda cut lmfao.


I'm now trying to imagine Snyder directing the Onigashima raid for the anime, especially the rooftop fight. That would definitely be interesting and epic!

100% facts. Don’t feel like you can @ me again rat. Kawamatsu panel.

You’re the one that’s going to hav ea stolen keeping on being a pitiful laughingstock like this.
I am surprise you haven’t gotten a stroke yet for being a pitiful laughingstock like this.
Lmfaoo zoro feats got these guys losing the little bit of sanity they had left. Go get some sunlight please bro . Perhaps a glass of water ?!?! Get help


Lead them to paradise.
Zoro’s name on the roof is Enma at most no one cares about that minion of pirate gamers. The fodder isn’t Kaido. And at the end of the day my point is Zoro isnt Oden not if Kaido knows who Zoro is w What do you mean Oden’s presence comes out of Enma because of Enma’s properties ? Then you say dead men don’t have Haki clown swords do not have people’spresence in them in any story unless some type of power system magic is involved. Swords cannot do anythign by themselves unless some kind of power system is involved. In One Piece it’s Haki. You troll. Dead men have Haki when it’s stored inside the blade which they’ve fought countless battles with and coated it in their Haki. Enma doesn’t have any property it uses the Haki inside of it to overpower weak fodder than he doesn’t like. Enma wa spade powerful by Oden hence barely anyone can even control it. And Zoro has the advantage of Enma being close to him because he has Wadow Kawamatsu said that the Haki soul will of past samurai lives on their blade and make current samurai stronger hence why those swords were so important. You’re a clown that’s not even reading One Piece nothing of what you’d au fits I totally je story it’s trollign and pire nonsense. Like I said stop being a fodder fodder.
As a matter of fact the notion that an attack blows an island in fact doesn't even implicate that's the maximum busting power of the attack as long as no larger surface to blow is present.

And island busting alone is generally calculated in the gigatons. Extensively impressive.
You saying it could be even large island lvl? Yeah potency wise you could be right.
The attack was strong enough to kill the Supernova so it make sense.
Lol this combined attack could potentially one shot anyone

It vaporized a part of the island and was about to kill 5 sn

How tf did Zoro block it even if it wasnt for long
Really crazy feat, blocking such high class attacks is impressive asf. Without Zoro here they would get killed off.

Imagine the hype around the zoro chapter?:crazwhat:
Right now a friend tell me: " Do you already see Artur fake movie joke because of 1april?"
Me: Yes why you ask?
He: Imagine the Koreon dude and Redon actually fake out the spoiler,in reality it is just a Nami and Otama chapter....
Me:.... If they want to die, the whole fandom would go to beserk form xD.

Imagine all the hype and all the happiness for just a 1th april joke. I swear this would probably kill me off xD....

I mean ofc the spoiler are true but just imagine this xD.
what are you talking about? he can use it very properly.
Why ?
Yeah he do dumb stuff sometimes but it's not like he don't think when he fighting .
Luffy is someone that attacks before he thinks. Zoro emphasized that literally in the last chapter. Such a person is not fit to incorporate FS in his fighting style, it just doesn't fit.

Calm personalities like Katakuri or King fit well to it, but definitely not Luffy.
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